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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

LOST: Lighthouse

WTH, Lost, WTH?! In the nine months I waited for Lost to come back, I spent a lot of time envisioning the final season. It did not look like this. I thought we'd get some trippy Lost-like stuff and then BAM! answer, answer, answer. I want to know what the island is, who Adam and Eve are, who Jacob is, what Richard's backstory is, why the Others speak Latin, why Widmore tried so hard to keep Desmond and Penny apart, where Des and Penny are now, why the Others took Walt, why Walt is special, was Locke special, why can't the Others have babies, etc. etc... I could go on and on. I am very frustrated with Lost because we only have a limited amount of time left. I want answers to come and not all be thrown together in the last few hours. Ok, deep breath, rant over...

In the sideways flash, Jack has a son who is a piano genius. His name is David. Lost likes to re-use names. Other significant Davids - Libby's dead husband, Hurley's dad, and it's Desmond's middle name. Other significant piano players - Jack, Ben, Daniel and Charlie. I don't know if his son's name will be important though. I am mad at Lost because they showed Jack having a son, but of course did not tell us who the mother is (Light bulb moment! Is this why other How I Met Your Mother fans get frustrated? Because on that show, I don't care who the mom is at all. I'm there for the gang's adventures. Maybe I should apply that feeling to Lost.) Maybe who David's mom is doesn't matter, but it certainly bugs me. I think he's too old to be Jack and Sarah's kid. Jack tells David he used to read Alice in Wonderland to him. Jack read that book to Aaron in the other timeline (season 4, "Something Nice Back Home," the appendectomy episode.) I think this is significant because there's a Lost theory that this whole show is someone telling a story to a kid. That kind of makes sense because Jack has mentioned that his dad was a great storyteller. Jack himself has read stories to both Aaron & David. This whole thing could be Christian reading a bedtime story to Jack. It could work because the story always changes when a parent tells a child an ongoing bedtime story. I know Christian is going to play a significant role in the end game. I do think the story idea would be pretty disappointing, like the St. Elsewhere/snow globe ending..

In this timeline, Jack had his appendix removed when he was 7 or 8, but he can't remember it. This must be because the island timeline is meshing with this timeline. He seems very confused by the scar and how it got there. Another time Jack looks deja vuy (yes, I made up a word) is when his mom asks about Claire. Is Jack starting to remember his island life? Jack doesn't seem to be an alcoholic in this timeline either. This storyline pretty much bored me though, so the only other weird thing was when Dogen was at the conservatory with his own son. What's up with that?

In the island timeline, Jacob appears to Hurley and sends him and Jack on a mission. Jack goes because he wants to talk to Jacob. How many effin times are the Losties going to trek through the jungle to find Jacob? SERIOUSLY! Jack has become the new Locke. Uh-oh, scratch that because that would make Hurley the new Ben. I didn't hate this part of the episode. Like Hurley said their journey was old school, just like old times. I am nostalgic for season one when Lost was SO GOOD and everyone was all together. I am tired of having the characters all split up. Every episode should be all Hurley all the time. He cracked me up playing tic tac toe with Miles. I loved his samurai comment, his Obi Won Konobi one and his all around Hurleyness. It was really cool to see Jack and Hurley end up back at the cave. Yay for Hurley mentioning that maybe the skeletons were them. And for bringing up dinosaurs again! I also like that Kate wasn't invited to the lighthouse. It's probably because she isn't a candidate. Kate has changed thought because season one Kate would have followed Jack and Hurley anyway.

The lighthouse is freaking awesome. The wheel has the same names and numbers on it as Jacob's cave wall. It looks like the same names are scratched out here too. It was cool when the wheel got to 23 - Shepard it showed Jack's childhood home. So Jacob has been watching the candidates the whole time. I wonder if the mirror is showing the no-crash timeline. Maybe Jack was looking at the house at the exact moment his mom said Claire and he got the deja vu look. If I was Hurley, I would have been pissed at Jack for smashing the mirror because I would want to see what showed up at my name and number. Who is 108? Is this wheel part of how people get called to the island? Did Jacob want the mirror broken so that #108 cannot come to the island? What do you think the lighthouse wheel is? Is it a way to watch everyone before they come to the island? And to watch them when they leave the island? Who's coming to the island??

In Clairousseau news, we find out she was taken to the Temple and tested like Sayid. She even has a brand to match his. She also seems pretty damn crazy. I know we were always supposed to see Rousseau as a crazy, bu I never did. I just loved her badassness. I do see Claire as crazy though because we've seen her normal. The bone baby in the cradle was scary! I'm glad Claire remembered Jin and helped him. I was pretty worried he was going to bleed to death though. Ick! Claire thinks the Others have Aaron just like Rousseau did. Does the island keep repeating the same scenarios over and over again but with different people playing the roles? Claire's been hanging out with Flocke and calls him her friend. Now the question is: does she know Old Smokey is in Locke's body or does she see Old Smokey in another person's form? Perhaps she sees him as daddy Christian? Either way, they want to go to the Temple, so I guess Claire and MIB are the big bad on the island set to destroy the Others and the Temple. I'm also wondering if everyone at the Temple is going to die, what will happen to Sayid?

As frustrated as I am with Lost, I've come too far to give up on it now. I'm sure I left a lot of stuff out, so mention it in the comments and we can talk about it. Next week's episode is called "Sundown." Sun's name has been in the title of her and Jin episodes before, so maybe it'll be a Kwon-centric episode. Fingers crossed that it will be.


  1. I had a whole bunch of things that I wanted to talk about but now I can't remember them. Of course. I even had something that I was going to text you last night ... but then I was like "No, I'll just write about it in the comments today" and now I can't remember what that was. I suck!

    I'm not a big fan of d-bag Jack. I would NEVER name my son Jack :)

  2. weird episode, WHERE IS IT ALL LEADING???!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So … I’m a bad person …

    And I freaking read - http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_with_kristin/b168540_lost_redux_oh_my_jacob_did_we_just_see.html - and to be honest, I’m not even a little bit sorry I did.
    Check it out – the spoilers aren’t really spoilers so I think it’s ok to look (or at least I didn’t consider them to be big spoilers – so view at your own risk).

    I liked the episode but don’t honestly have much to say about it.

    I thought it was super cool crazy samurai man (you know I can’t remember people’s names) was in the side time line with his own kid and ran into Jack.

    To me, this and Ben & Locke and Kate and Clair reuniting just shows people who were important to each other on the island still have to interact in the side time line.

    I thought it was sad to see Jack with his son. #1 – he’s obviously divorced or alone in this timeline too and doesn’t have a very good relationship with his son. That’s sad.

    I liked the episode but overall just have two discussion topics/opinions
    Here are two things to think about…

    Flocke and Claire meet up at the end right … and Jin is there … does that mean Jin and Sun are now in the same timeline?!?! Or is Flocke traveling around in time?
    (If this is not news to anyone - Did we know Jin and Sun were in the same timeline and I just missed it? Last I knew they still weren’t).


    Do we think it’s important that although Kate isn’t a lotto/obviously important number but is the backwards version of one?!?!?!?!!?!? 15 = 51.

  5. Rach - I don't like Jack either, but he's much easier to deal with this season.

    Sofia - I don't know, but it better be somewhere good!

    Amanda - I'm still trying to go spoiler free.. I think it's cool that the people have to interact with each other in both timelines. It's like they were always meant to know each other. I am liking Jack more and more as the season progresses. It was good to seem him try to be a good dad. He's gotta be better than the one he had.

    Yeah, everyone's in the same time. Once the Jughead exploded, Jack, Sawyer, etc. all ended up in the same timeline as Sun, Ben, Lapidus, etc. So we better be getting the Sun & Jin reunion soon. I think it'll happen at the Temple.

    It's probably important that Kate isn't one of THE numbers. Maybe it means she's like a last resort candidate. Did you see the screencaps of the wheel? Michael's name and Ben's name were crossed out, plus a bunch more. Maybe Kate's number is backwards because she didn't listen to what Ben said. Or it could be b/c Sawyer is #15 and they are meant to be together!

  6. Ah – Damn. How did I miss that?
    See – I do not need to be left to watch this on my own.
    Move home.

    Anyways – IDK – I just feel like it’s really important that she’s a “backwards” number somehow.
    It’s probably because I’m hard up on the “Through the looking glass theory” we talked about.

    For anyone else who wants to look up Through the Looking Glass – use this link …
    The way the side time line is paralleling is SO much like the description of Through the Looking Glass to Alice in Wonderland it’s crazy …

  7. Maybe it is Alice in Wonderland just the Lost version. Kate = Alice and that is why she isn't a candidate cause she doesn't belong. With that said, it still doesn't explain everything.

    Amanda Sanders
