4 8 15 16 23 42


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

LOST: Lighthouse

WTH, Lost, WTH?! In the nine months I waited for Lost to come back, I spent a lot of time envisioning the final season. It did not look like this. I thought we'd get some trippy Lost-like stuff and then BAM! answer, answer, answer. I want to know what the island is, who Adam and Eve are, who Jacob is, what Richard's backstory is, why the Others speak Latin, why Widmore tried so hard to keep Desmond and Penny apart, where Des and Penny are now, why the Others took Walt, why Walt is special, was Locke special, why can't the Others have babies, etc. etc... I could go on and on. I am very frustrated with Lost because we only have a limited amount of time left. I want answers to come and not all be thrown together in the last few hours. Ok, deep breath, rant over...

In the sideways flash, Jack has a son who is a piano genius. His name is David. Lost likes to re-use names. Other significant Davids - Libby's dead husband, Hurley's dad, and it's Desmond's middle name. Other significant piano players - Jack, Ben, Daniel and Charlie. I don't know if his son's name will be important though. I am mad at Lost because they showed Jack having a son, but of course did not tell us who the mother is (Light bulb moment! Is this why other How I Met Your Mother fans get frustrated? Because on that show, I don't care who the mom is at all. I'm there for the gang's adventures. Maybe I should apply that feeling to Lost.) Maybe who David's mom is doesn't matter, but it certainly bugs me. I think he's too old to be Jack and Sarah's kid. Jack tells David he used to read Alice in Wonderland to him. Jack read that book to Aaron in the other timeline (season 4, "Something Nice Back Home," the appendectomy episode.) I think this is significant because there's a Lost theory that this whole show is someone telling a story to a kid. That kind of makes sense because Jack has mentioned that his dad was a great storyteller. Jack himself has read stories to both Aaron & David. This whole thing could be Christian reading a bedtime story to Jack. It could work because the story always changes when a parent tells a child an ongoing bedtime story. I know Christian is going to play a significant role in the end game. I do think the story idea would be pretty disappointing, like the St. Elsewhere/snow globe ending..

In this timeline, Jack had his appendix removed when he was 7 or 8, but he can't remember it. This must be because the island timeline is meshing with this timeline. He seems very confused by the scar and how it got there. Another time Jack looks deja vuy (yes, I made up a word) is when his mom asks about Claire. Is Jack starting to remember his island life? Jack doesn't seem to be an alcoholic in this timeline either. This storyline pretty much bored me though, so the only other weird thing was when Dogen was at the conservatory with his own son. What's up with that?

In the island timeline, Jacob appears to Hurley and sends him and Jack on a mission. Jack goes because he wants to talk to Jacob. How many effin times are the Losties going to trek through the jungle to find Jacob? SERIOUSLY! Jack has become the new Locke. Uh-oh, scratch that because that would make Hurley the new Ben. I didn't hate this part of the episode. Like Hurley said their journey was old school, just like old times. I am nostalgic for season one when Lost was SO GOOD and everyone was all together. I am tired of having the characters all split up. Every episode should be all Hurley all the time. He cracked me up playing tic tac toe with Miles. I loved his samurai comment, his Obi Won Konobi one and his all around Hurleyness. It was really cool to see Jack and Hurley end up back at the cave. Yay for Hurley mentioning that maybe the skeletons were them. And for bringing up dinosaurs again! I also like that Kate wasn't invited to the lighthouse. It's probably because she isn't a candidate. Kate has changed thought because season one Kate would have followed Jack and Hurley anyway.

The lighthouse is freaking awesome. The wheel has the same names and numbers on it as Jacob's cave wall. It looks like the same names are scratched out here too. It was cool when the wheel got to 23 - Shepard it showed Jack's childhood home. So Jacob has been watching the candidates the whole time. I wonder if the mirror is showing the no-crash timeline. Maybe Jack was looking at the house at the exact moment his mom said Claire and he got the deja vu look. If I was Hurley, I would have been pissed at Jack for smashing the mirror because I would want to see what showed up at my name and number. Who is 108? Is this wheel part of how people get called to the island? Did Jacob want the mirror broken so that #108 cannot come to the island? What do you think the lighthouse wheel is? Is it a way to watch everyone before they come to the island? And to watch them when they leave the island? Who's coming to the island??

In Clairousseau news, we find out she was taken to the Temple and tested like Sayid. She even has a brand to match his. She also seems pretty damn crazy. I know we were always supposed to see Rousseau as a crazy, bu I never did. I just loved her badassness. I do see Claire as crazy though because we've seen her normal. The bone baby in the cradle was scary! I'm glad Claire remembered Jin and helped him. I was pretty worried he was going to bleed to death though. Ick! Claire thinks the Others have Aaron just like Rousseau did. Does the island keep repeating the same scenarios over and over again but with different people playing the roles? Claire's been hanging out with Flocke and calls him her friend. Now the question is: does she know Old Smokey is in Locke's body or does she see Old Smokey in another person's form? Perhaps she sees him as daddy Christian? Either way, they want to go to the Temple, so I guess Claire and MIB are the big bad on the island set to destroy the Others and the Temple. I'm also wondering if everyone at the Temple is going to die, what will happen to Sayid?

As frustrated as I am with Lost, I've come too far to give up on it now. I'm sure I left a lot of stuff out, so mention it in the comments and we can talk about it. Next week's episode is called "Sundown." Sun's name has been in the title of her and Jin episodes before, so maybe it'll be a Kwon-centric episode. Fingers crossed that it will be.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LOST: The Substitute

Whoa... I had to watch Lost twice before I could even attempt to blog about it. Locke episodes always tug at my heart strings. I only cried once this time though. I'm not even sure where to begin. Let's start off island..

Locke arrived home from Australia and couldn't get out of his van. So he ended up flopping out of it and his wheelchair. He landed face down in this front yard and then the sprinklers came on. I felt so bad for John because once again something humiliating happened to him. But then Locke smiled and it was just like on the island when he would happily sit in the rain. I can't even tell you how freakin' excited I was when Helen opened the front door and came to John's rescue. I LOVE Locke and Helen! Even though I hate that John is still in the wheelchair in this timeline, at least he is marrying the love of his life. It was so great to see them back together and Locke in love. This version of John Locke wouldn't have wanted to crash on the island. The scene where he rips up Jack's card and Helen says the only thing she was waiting for was him is the one that made me cry. It was so sweet, but also sad because it doesn't look like Jack will be fixing Locke. I had really hoped that is where the Locke/Jack storyline was going. It was also sad to see that our man of faith doesn't believe in miracles here. Oh and Locke's dad is invited to the wedding. Is that biological dad Anthony Cooper? My theory is that he had a decent foster dad and that who is coming to the wedding. No way it's his bio dad, right?!

The coolest thing about the flash sideways is that the Oceanic passengers still interact with each other, even though they didn't crash on the island together. As soon as I saw the yellow Hummer parked too close to John's van, I knew it was Hurley's. Hurley seems so happy and together without that dang curse over his head. His heart of gold remained intact too as he offered to get Locke a new job. Then Locke encounters Rose at Hurley's temp agency. To help John come to terms with his limitations, Rose told him about her cancer. So she still has terminal cancer in this timeline. Rose, my dear, if you are dying, why the hell are you at work?! Your husband's a dentist, you can certainly afford to take the time off. If I was dying the first thing I'd do is quit my damn job! Rose said her name was Rose Nadler. In the original timeline, she didn't take Bernard's last name. Her name was Rose Henderson. It's probably not significant, but it's something I noticed. Locke ended up getting a job substituting teaching. He rolled into the teachers' lounge. Who's in there bitching about coffee filters? None Other then the evil Benjamin Linus, history teacher. Ben introduced himself to Locke and John got the biggest smile on his face. Did a part of him recognize Ben? If he did, why in the world would he be smiling about it?! Maybe Ben and Locke were always meant to be friends and can be in this timeline. All the things evil Ben were working towards don't exist here. He could be a completely different person this time around.

Now in 2007 back on the island, Ilana collected Jacob's ash, Ben lied about how Jacob died, and John Locke got buried. If Locke has to be dead, I am glad he's buried on the island with the other lost castaways. Then this group decided to head to the Temple. On the interesting side of the island, we get to see things from Old Smokey's perspective. How awesome was the shot where Smokey/FLocke was zooming around Dharmaville and we got to see the smoke reflection in the window of Sawyer's house?! FLocke tried to lure Richard to go with him by promising answers. I never thought Richard had any questions about the island. I hope we get the back story on Richard and FLocke's relationship soon. I also hope we find out who the creepy bloody kid is. Him showing up was very drenched Walt shows up and talks to Shannon. FLocke then headed back to the barracks to "recruit" Sawyer. They trek thought the jungle and the blonde Other kid appears again. FLocke is surprised that Sawyer (not James! Stop calling him that FLocke-face!) can see the kid too. Is it significant that Sawyer can see him too?

Here comes the crazy stuff... FLocke took Sawyer to a cave in the side of a rock. There's scales with black and white rocks. I wonder if Man in Black and Jacob once spent time here deciding people's fates. Inside the cave, there is a wall with names and numbers on it. Many names have been scratched off, but 8 remain for sure.
4 = Locke 8 = Hurley 15 = Sawyer 16 = Sayid 23 = Jack 42 = Jin or Sun
All Oceanic Six members, with the exception of Sawyer who almost made it off the island and Kate who didn't make the wall. Do people get crossed off when they die? Losteastereggs.blogspot.com has screencaps and a list of names that are on the wall. Among them are Burke, Littleton, Pace, Linus, Goodspeed, Lewis, Faraday, Straume. This show freakin' blows my mind! I have been questioning Lost and been lost for so long, that I don't even recognize answers when they are in my face. I was complaining that we are still answer-less when my friend Rachel pointed out that we know why they are on the island and what the numbers mean now. I know that seems true, but I have a hard time believing what anyone on the island says. Should we trust Old Smokey? We've been had so many times by people/creatures on this island. Do you think FLocke was telling the truth? Were the castaways really brought to the island to be candidates for Jacob's replacement? How did he know he would soon need a replacement? Maybe I should stop over thinking and take whatever happens at face value.

So my new major questions are:
- Will Sawyer and should Sawyer go with FLocke? Is Sawyer just playing along, so he can find out what Old Smokey really wants?
- Why wasn't Kate's name on the wall? Could it be because she left the island with Aaron and then tried to raise him as her own? That's my theory for why she's not on the wall.
- Who was the kid FLocke saw? Young Jacob? Aaron? ? Who was the kid referring to when he said, "You know the rules. You can't kill him?"
- Why did Ilana collect the ash? Was it for protection?

I do not know anything about next week's episode. Clairousseau was in the preview though, so it looks like we'll learn more of her story. Woo hoo!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

LOST: What Kate Does

First off, I am so happy to have Claire back on Lost! Oh how I missed her. I can't wait to find out more about what's been going on with her. Tonight's episode was pretty good. I just wish we could get lots of answers with no new questions. That's never going to happen with this show though. I've pretty much come to terms with the idea that the final scene of the show is going to be something ambiguous that will keep me obsessing over it for the rest of my life.

In the non-crash timeline, Kate is on the run from the marshall. So she hops in Claire's cab and tells the driver to take off. When Kate kicked Claire out of the cab and wouldn't even let her get her bag, I was so mad. It made me remember that no matter what good stuff Kate occasionally does, she is still an awful, selfish person. I was mad at Kate until she opened Claire's bag though. Then I think Kate remembered raising Aaron. The look on her face when she saw the stuffed killer whale (the same whale Aaron is holding in season 4 episode "Something Nice Back Home") - that was a deja vu face! That's what made her go back and help Claire. Of course, that lady couldn't take Claire's baby because Claire's the one who is supposed to raise him. So some things stay the same weather the plane crashes or not. I love that Kate and Claire were together again when Claire started to go in labor. I also love that Kate stuck around to help Claire. How flippin' crazy was it when Kate went to get a doctor and it was ETHAN?! What the hell is he doing there? Good to see his name was Dr. Goodspeed because that's what his last name should be. (On the island, when he pretended to be a crash survivor, Ethan's last name was Rom.) I don't even have any theories or explanations for why Ethan was there. It makes me head almost explode just thinking about it. Maybe it's just to show that everyone who interacted on the island will still interact with each other in this new timeline. I loved this whole part of the episode because I really like Kate and Claire together. It's so season one Kate delivering Aaron. So in this timeline, Kate gets to do exactly what she is wanting to do in the island timeline, which is get Claire back with Aaron. How cool is that?!

So back on the island in 2007, Sawyer takes off and Kate and Jin go after him. Of course, Kate goes because running off is her thing. Jin goes to look for Sun. When they were in the jungle, I kept thinking that the white Other looked familiar. How cool that the show brought him back? You can tell it's the last season because Aldo actually tells Kate (and us) who is and when she saw him before. Normally, we'd have to figure that out on our own or it wouldn't come back up for 6 or 7 episodes. The Others seem to know a lot about what happens on the island because that one guy totally knew Rousseau was dead and about the Aijia plane landing. So then Kate runs off to Sawyer. I loved the scene with Kate and Sawyer on the dock. Even though I am glad Juliet is gone, I cried because Sawyer crying just broke my heart. I guess Kate was crying so hard out of guilt. Or was it because Sawyer won't help her look for Claire? Or because Sawyer doesn't want her anymore? I was kinda confused about that. Looks like Kate won't have to look far for Claire though because Jin found her!

In Temple-land, Sayid wakes up and the head dude and interpreter man demand to see him. He gets strapped to a table and tortured. I felt so bad for my ninja man Sayid, but then I remembered he used to do that to people everyday. They claimed to be testing him and/or diagnosing him. I am so glad that Jack is finally demanding answers for all the crazy island stuff that happens. The leader Dogan guy seemed to be willing to tell Jack a few things. A darkness is taking over Sayid and how did Dogan know this? "Because it happened to your sister," he tells Jack. So that's what happened to Claire! The Christian we have seen on the island must be a form of Smokey or actually the MIB in Christian's form. Then that means he's a bad guy and has been leading Locke down this crazy bad path the whole time. Maybe I'm slow, but were the Other dudes giving Sayid the poison pill to kill him or just to kill the darkness inside him? Would the pill stop the infection? If there's no way to fix it, my Sayid is gone forever. I wonder if Ben got the darkness inside him when he was saved at 12. That would explain a lot because Ben's a douche.

I Googled Dogan and apparently there was some tribe called Dogan back in the day. Here's the freaky thing it said "Because there are no paved roads, no electricity, no surface water and little contact with the outside world, the Dogan Territories in the Hombori Mountains have been called the 'end of the earth.'" That's very Temple-sounding! (Yes, I have been reading too much Doc Jensen at because I actually Googled Dogan.)

I knew there was a reason I was trying to go spoiler-free this season! I totally saw the last Lost scene coming because I had already seen a picture of Claire with a gun looking all Rousseau-like. That last moment would have been shocking if I hadn't seen that pic. I could see it coming though because that Other guy mentioned Rousseau had been dead for years and yet there was a Rousseau like trap. So my new question is does the island keep repeating itself and every time it loses someone, someone else has to come in and take their place? Example: Rousseau's baby got kidnapped and she had to go all badass by herself on the island. Claire's baby was taken and now she's resumed Rousseau's spot as the female island ninja. Claire even has an accent! Oh and apparently Claire was infected with darkness. Was Rousseau too? Or just her team?

The preview for next week made it seem like a Sawyer episode. I don't know for sure though because I am not going to any Lost spoiler websites anymore. I don't want to ruin another big reveal for myself. Maybe this time I'll learn....

Saturday, February 6, 2010

LOST: LA X, parts one & two

Wow. Eight months was a long time to wait for new Lost, but it was totally worth it. We've got two timelines now, which could get confusing, but that's a part of Lost. At first, I kinda felt the writers and producers were cheating with two timelines. Is this their way of trying to satisfy everyone? A way of getting to tell both stories? I decided not to question it though because the writers are always going somewhere with the story and it's almost always somewhere good. I just have to sit back and go along for the ride. Plus I have read interviews with Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse (executive producer people) that say the two separate timelines will make sense eventually. I'm so excited that it's the last season because we'll finally get tons of answers. I am also really sad though because what will I obsess over once Lost is over?

In the rebooted timeline, the plane does not crash. I wonder if Jack has some awareness of what happened. He seemed to have a strong sense of deja vu the whole plane ride. It was really cool to see the 815 flight again but changed. Jack only got one bottle of booze, Rose was reassuring Jack instead of the other way around, Shannon was a no show on the plane, Charlie didn't run past Jack, Desmond showed up to sit next to Jack. It was all pretty crazy. The castaways seem to have a familiarity with each other - Sawyer watching out for Hurley, Sawyer helping Kate out in the elevator, Boone and Locke bonding. I was pro timeline reboot the whole time we were waiting for Lost to come back. But then when the plane landed and everyone got off and no one got to know each other and Locke was still in the wheelchair, I started crying. I know, I'm such a dork!

I love, love, loved the scene with Locke and Jack in the airport. It was nice to see them not fighting for once and for them to sort of comfort each other. Will Jack fix Locke? What is the significance of Locke losing his knives? Did they both lose things they will need on the island? Because I am sure they will end up back there eventually. I mean this timeline is 2004 and the island time is 2007. I firmly believe that a major part of season 6 and of Jack's entire storyline is that he needs to find Christian's body and bury it.

I've got a few major questions about the time reboot. Was Charlie meant to die in this timeline? I've been saying for awhile now that Charlie was supposed to die the day the plane crashed. If you go back and watch the pilot episode (or any number of season one episodes), it shows several times where Charlie almost dies. I think that's pretty significant. What the heck was Desmond doing on the plane?! Was he there to "course correct" and make sure Charlie died? Then when he was reading, I was afraid he was reading Our Mutual Friend (the last book he wants to read before he dies.) He wasn't though. Since Des didn't recognize Jack, does that mean the entire time before the crash has changed too? Because Desmond and Jack originally met in 2001 at that stadium. It makes sense for Desmond to have never gone to the island though because the island is now underwater, so he never crashed on it or ended up in the hatch pushing the button, brother. This whole shift with the plane not crashing makes me wonder what else has changed in the castaways lives. Can Sun really not speak English? Or is she just pretending so Jin doesn't know? I miss happy Sun and Jin, so it was sad to see them unhappy on the plane. Where was my boyfriend Mr. Eko on the plane? Does Christian's body still end up on the island? Is that why he's missing? And what was up with the island being underwater?? I guess the bomb going off messed up a lot of the island history. Did you see the Dharma shark swim by down there? I love the little details on this show.

Now in this timeline, the bomb going off did not send the Losties off the island. The castaways still crashed, still found the hatch, still stopped pushing the button and still blew the Swan hatch up. Juliet dies in Sawyer's arm (yay! I've never liked her!), ninja Sayid is dying and Hurley gets a visit from dead Jacob. The gang heads to the Temple to save Sayid. This whole Temple people thing is kinda crazy. Who is this Japanese guy in charge? What's up with that water? Did the water turn muddy looking because Jacob is dead now? It was terrible to watch them keep Sayid under water until he drowned. Interesting fact: I read online that someone timed the big sand timer and Sayid was under water for 1 minute 8 seconds. CRAZY!! I know that we got to see what was in Hurley's guitar case. What did the list of names in the ankh mean? Were they people who aren't supposed to die because they still have work to do on the island? Is that what the Others and their lists have been about this whole time? It was really cool to see Hurley be in charge for once. Jack was just going along with the plan instead of trying to be in charge. Thank goodness Sayid woke up and came back to life. I knew ninjas couldn't die! But will Sayid be the same? Or will he be changed like Ben was? I am sure this is how the Others saved Ben when Sayid shot him back in 1977.

The reveal that FLocke (fake Locke) was the smoke monster was pretty damn awesome. What a cool scene! Here's why the show amazes me - last season when FLocke and Ben return to the island, the smoke monster and FLocke were never in the same place at the same time. When Ben went down into the Temple to be judged, Locke disappeared. That was because he was busy being old Smokey and turning into Alex so Ben would do whatever FLocke says. One of my Lost theories is that the show has shown us everything we need to know to figure out what everything is about. We just have to know where to look. (One example - Way back in season 2 when Sun loses her wedding ring while burying the message bottle, the episode BEFORE it showed her digging the hole and one minute she had her wedding ring on and in the next it was gone. So we had already seen her lose the ring. That kinda of stuff with the show amazes me!) The scene when FLocke talks about Ben killing John was so sad. Poor John's last thought was "I don't understand." My poor John Locke.. His story is so sad most of the time. The evil FLocke/Smoke Monster wants to go home. Is his home the Temple? That would make sense because Montand (the guy on Rousseau's team who got his arm ripped off) was killed he was pulled down under the Temple by Smokey. That's the body Hurley and Kate checked out when they got down into the Temple. I can't wait to find out the whole history between Jack and the Man in Black. I'm sure it's gonna be crazy stuff.

Will Sun & Jin finally have an awesome reunion now that they are back in the same timeline? Was that really Jacob or was it the Man in Black/Smokey/FLocke? I wonder if MIB has been manipulating Locke the entire time he has been on the island? Did he show up as Walt? As Christian? Has poor John been his pawn from the get go so that MIB could manipulate his loophole to kill Jacob? Long cons have been a reoccurring theme on Lose. Is this the ultimate long con - getting Locke to die so MIB could use his body? Who are these people at the Temple? Are these the original Others? The part when FLocke tells Richard it's good to see him out of chains, I think that confirms Richard was brought over on the Black Rock slave ship. Is FLocke taking knocked out Richard to the Temple? Will he use Alpert to gain entrance to the Temple? And oh yeah, is Daniel Faraday gone for good??? :(

A few predictions - As much as I do not want Sawyer to end up with Juliet, I am sure we'll see an off-island conversation between them involving coffee and going Dutch. I think she was flashing as she died and that's how Juliet know "the incident" worked. I think the Others who were trying to take Jack to talk to Christian when Sayid sat up all alive and stuff.

Next week's episode is called "What Kate Does." So it will be Kate-centric and I'm sure it'll be here on the run... again. Will the sideways flashbacks (Damon and Carlton's name for them) line up thematically with the island story like it always has before? I sure hope so. I know I left a lot out, but there was so much to cover. I could have this blog going on for days. I am so pumped about season 6. Viva la Lost!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

LOST: Lafluer

Originally posted: March 4, 2009

Sawyer and Juliet are together?! I am done. I despise her and will not watch her with my man. Someone let me know if they kill Julbitch, only then will I watch Lost again.

* I didn't quit watching Lost, but I did stop blogging. I was and am still very upset about the Suliet pairing. UGH! I had originally posted all these blogs on Myspace, but I moved them here, so that all my random Lost thoughts will be together. Enjoy!

LOST: The Life & Death of Jeremy Bentham

Originally posted: Feb 25, 2009

This was by far the most depressing episode of Lost. I was sad and angry through most of it (yes, I am way too emotionally invested in this show). The beginning was cool because we got a quick explanation of what happened to the rest of flight 316. Lapidus and Sun took off on a boat to the other island. - I'm thinking to act out some plan set into motion by Widmore. I think Sun made a deal with Widmore to help get him to the island and to get her and Jin off the island and home to Ji Yeon. - Locke and the plane crashers are on the other island, right? The one Ben showed Sawyer during season three. That's why Locke was shown standing there looking at the island.

I'm so glad we finally got Locke's backstory to his time off island. So Widmore saved Locke. This automatically puts him the good guy catergory for me because I ♥ John Locke. I don't ♥ Jack though. He was such an effin douchebag drunk assface when he visited Locke in the hospital. Jack made me soooo mad!!!! I loved Locke's visit to Hurley. "Hey, am I talking to a dude in a wheelchair?" I was also super glad to see John visit Walt, that poor kiddo. It was hard to watch John in a wheelchair again though. That made me so sad. I totally cried when he found out Helen was dead. I cried when John was getting ready to kill himself. I also got pissed when Abbadon got shot. I think homedude had way more story to tell. Damn you, Benjamin Linus! You are the devil incarnate!!

As if I could hate Ben any more than I already did. That motherfucker killed Locke! This just proves that Ben is totally bad and that he steals everything from everyone else. He always appears to be ahead of the game, but it's only because he gets information from other people. I am 100% convinced now that he killed Nadia. It was the only way he could convince Sayid to work for him. Up to this point, I had thought that Widmore was bad too. This episode changed my mind. (Maybe he's only been cruel to Desmond to protect Des and Penny in some way b/c I can't like Widmore if he's against D & P. So there has to be a reason, right?) I do think Ben stole the island from Widmore. I believe Widmore's story that he was the Others' leader until Ben stole the position from him. That little creepy jealous crybaby Ben just can't stand anyone else to have anything. He is the epitome of evil. I am so freakin' mad right now. I can only take comfort in the knowledge that Locke is gonna eff Ben up!! Here's a few questions though - why did Ben protect Locke's dead body and bring him back to the island? Was it the only way they could return to the island? Did he visit Mrs.Hawking and find that out? Surely he wouldn't have killed Locke if he knew Locke would come back to life.

Burning Questions:
* If the island still needs you, it won't let you die (ex. Michael couldn't die) - so if the island needed Locke, why was he able to die? Does that mean the island doesn't need him?
* Did Helen really die? Or was that something Ben or Widmore set up so Locke would have no reason to stay in LA?
* Did Abbadon walk away when John was talking to Walt because Future Walt (Abbadon himself) and Present Walt can't interact with each other? Why does Walt now call Locke John? The whole time they were on the island it was "Mr.Locke" this and "Mr.Locke" that.
* Do all the injured passengers from the flight represent the injured and dead from flight 815? (I may be going off on some tangent, but I think the mirroring of the original flight may still be happening.)
* Locke didn't introduce himself as Jeremy Bentham to any of the 6, so how did they know that was Locke's new name? (I don't think this is significant. I'm just curious about it.)
* Abbadon's job is to get people where they need to go. Was he working from day one to get everyone on the island? Was this Libby's job too?

I'm ready for some Sawyer time next week. It looks like he will reunite with Kate. Maybe we'll get to see Sun and Jin back together too. Woo hoo!

LOST: The Little Prince

Originally posted: Feb 5, 2009

in! Jin! Jin! Jin! Rousseau! Could I be any more excited?! Lost is about to get sooooo good!

"The Little Prince" was a Kate episode. Normally, I groan and moan about anything Kate-centric, but this was a good episode. After talking to Sun, Kate decides to go to the lawyer to try to find out who's trying to take Aaron. So David and I spend half of the hour trying to decide who we after Aaron. Theory #1 - Claire's mom - too obvious.. Even when she shows up and Jack goes to confront her, I knew it had to be too convenient. The poor woman has no clue that her daughter may still be alive and her grandson is alive and well. Theory #2 - Jack - he's blood related to Aaron and he could be trying to take him to manipulate Kate back on the island, but he loooves Kate too much to try to hurt her. Gag. Theory #3 - Ben! Duh, why did we think it would be anyone else? Of course Ben's using Aaron to lure Kate back to the island. He truly is the master manipulator.. Bastard.

So Sun's in LA for a reason, right? Her package with the Ben & Jack pictures, candy and gun was super weird. Is she after Ben or Jack? Or just Ben? Or Just Jack (2000!)? She told Widmore that they both want Ben dead. So is that her ultimate plan? As soon as Kate left Aaron with Sun, I knew something crazy was about to happen. Sun's not going to give up Aaron easily. Sun isn't the Sun we know on the island. She's new badass angry Sun. (I don't know how I know she's badass. I guess it's just a feeling.) I can't wait to find out what she's up to.

Who's still proving he's a badass? Oh yeah, tat's Sayid. I want Sayid to have his own show where he just kicks ass all day long and does a bunch of ninja moves. I don't need a plot. I just need Sayid being awesome. So while in the hospital, some "nurse" comes in to give Sayid medicine/darts from a gun. What does our ninja friend do? He attacks the bad guy with his IV. Talk about being resourceful. Once the bad dude is knocked out, Jack and Sayid find Kate's address in the bad dude's pocket. So who sent this dude? Was it Sun? Is she trying to stop Ben from getting everyone back together? Was it Ben himself? Once again trying to force Sayid back to the island by making him be constantly under attack? Is it Widmore? I wish someone would tell us soon!

Hurely's ok. He's in LA county lock-up and Ben's lawyer says Hurley be getting out soon. Will he be headed to dock #23 too? Is the whole gang going to sail quietly back to the island? I still think if everyone means everyone, then Lapidus and Desmond have to go back too. Or was their "work" already done?

Back on island time, things got interesting! OMG! OMG! I was yelling so much throughout this episode that David made me move to the other side of the couch because he feared for his eardrums.

- Jin is alive and time looping with the other Losties! I did a "It's Jin! It's Jin! It's Jin!" dance for about ten minutes. Not only is he alive, but he's back in time with preggers Rousseau! Are we going to get her back story now? YAY! YAY! YAY! Thank goodness Jin learned some English, otherwise he'd be screwed hanging out with all those Frenchies. I'm so exctied to see what we learn from the Jin/Rosseau experience. How freakin' cool is Lost?! (For a re-enactment of my "It's Jin! It's Rousseau! It's Jin!" dance, come by anytime and we'll re-watch the episode together and I shall dance.)

- Charlotte wakes up and seemed to be ok, except she has a few memory problems. Juliet tries to get Daniel to explain what's happening to them. He claims "really bad jet lag." He does tell Miles that it could be caused by something about exposure... Exposure to what? Time travel? Time on the island? Charlotte's an island native, so she's being affected. If Miles is Chang/Candle/Hallifax's son, then he was born on the island too. Is that why his nose started to bleed (and I started to shout "Oh no! Oh no!" I ♥ Miles)? But then Juliet's nose started to bleed too (yay!)
too. What's the link here for nosebleeds? Do they really just need constants?

- Locke and Sawyer decide that the best way to help our bleeding friends is to return to the Orchid station. Locke wants to attempt to correct the Oceanic Six leaving. I don't know how he's planning to do this, but he does tell Sawyer, "I'll die if I have to." Eek... You will John. As they trek across the island to get on a boat to sail to the Orchid, they come across a light in the jungle -- a light and a pounding noise. It's Locke at the end of season one beating on the hatch. Locke knows when they are and tells them to keep moving. It makes me wonder what would happen if the current Losties ran into their old selves.... So the gang keeps moving and they hear a woman screaming in the jungle. Before Sawyer ever gets to them, I knew it was Clarie giving birth to Aaron. Awww.... poor Sawyer. His face when he saw Kate... He wanted to go to her so badly. He almost made me cry. I love my boyfriend, even though he loves Kate. I love that we get to see the Losties re-visit moments that we've seen too.

* Jack tells Sayid that he was passed out for over 42 hours. So how much of Ben's 70 hours has elapsed?
* How does Locke know that the Oceanic Six are still alive and didn't die when the freighter blew up?
* What happened to the castaways who were staying on the beach? Who showed up on those boats from Ajira Airways? Was it Jack and company?
* Who the hell was shooting at the Losties in the boat?
* How does Ben know what's happened on the island? Is he going back? Is he keeping in touch with Richard and the Others?

I loved this episode and I'm so excited for more. Next week looks so good. Will Sun believe Ben that Jin is alive? Will the Six, plus Ben and John start their trip back to the island. A week is too long to wait!!

LOST: Jughead

Originally posted: January 29, 2009

The first two hours of Lost were great. Episode three did not impress me though. I'm not going to give up on Lost ever, but all this time traveling is frustrating. I am not a big fan of change - on my tv shows, in life, in general. I don't like that the show is no longer character-centric episodes with a current storyline and flashback/forward story too. I guess I"ll just have to get used to that though.

So where do I start? With Locke.. I have always loved Locke, even when he's done crazy stuff like blow up submarines and stab parachutists. Last night we learned that Richard Alpert is there for Locke's birth because Locke suggested it. We know Richard shows up several more times as John is growing up. It seemed as if Richard was doing this to recruit the Island's next leader, but really it's only because John told him to. So what does that mean? I think it means that Locke is NOT supposed to be the leader of the Others. Poor "I Want to Be Special" Locke just set himself up for another manipulation. He's not the rightful leader because he didn't pass Richard's tests. The current Others are just going to let John do whatever he offers to do for the Island b/c he's the only one who will do it. Someone has to sacrifice to keep the place hidden. Why not let Locke do it? Yeah, the Island healed him, but it healed Rose and Jin too and neither one of them tried to become the Others' new Ben. I think I feel this way because I'm buying into David's new "Jack was brought to the Island to take over Ben's job" theory.

Desmond and Penny named their little boy (who looks like a girl) Charlie. Aww.... So this is another thing I didn't like about the episode - I don't want Des and Penny involved in this "get people back to the Island" thing. I want them to stay sailing away on their boat living happily ever after. If that means no more episodes with them, then so be it. I'd rather that than have to watch her monster father or psycho Ben chase them. I don't understand why Desmond can't just let it go.

This is what really made me mad - I like Daniel Faraday. I want him to be this awesome good guy who's gonna save the day. Last night made him seem like a bad guy though. He's Widmore's benefactor (i know we don't technically know if Widmore is good or bad yet, but in my mind he's baaad), his time at Oxford has been covered up, he seems to be lying about not being able to change the past, etc. I think Daniel is manipulating Desmond. He has some plan that we just don't know yet and I get the feeling it's not a good plan.

* Young Charles Widmore is on the Island. Will we get to see why he left? Why he thinks the Island is his?
* What's happening to Charlotte? Does she need a constant? Is she being erased Back to the Future style?
* Is Ellie Rousseau? Ellie could be short for Danielle. Or is she Juliet's "you look like her" girl - the one Harper referred to when Juliet and she were talking about Ben?
* There's a huge ass bomb on the Island? What happened to it? Is it's explosion "The Incident?" Do they bury it?

I know a lot more happened in the episode, but I got so mad during it, the rest is kind of a blur. My head may explode. I'm just really frustrated because all we are getting are more questions. I thought we were going to start getting some answers. I also get more and more confused as our Islanders jump through time. I've stopped reading spoilers, so I can't tell you anything about next week's episode. I only hope it's better than this one...

LOST: The Lie

Originally posted: January 29, 2009

The episode starts out with a lie. The Oceanic Six are on Penny's boat trying to corroborate their story. Of course, the wonderful Hurley doesn't want to lie about what went down on mystery Island. (This episode is so good. I guess I just love Hurley episodes. Even the appearance of Ana Luhoa couldn't ruin this one for me.) He tries to get Sayid to back him up and when Sayid says no, Hurley tells him, "You know what, dude? I'm going to remember this. And someday you're going to need my help and I'm telling you right now, you're not getting it." Flash to the present and Hurley is taking care of a drugged up/passed out Sayid. He gets pulled over my Ana Lucia's ghost who tells him what to do, to not get arrested (like she did in real life... ha ha ha) and that Libby says hi. Hurley goes to a convenience store and in a shout-out to super Bella, buys an I ♥ my Shih-Tzu shirt. Ha ha ha ha I was cracking up and immediately text Amanda Gayle! Hurley takes Sayid to his parents house to hide out from the cops and the bad guys after them. "Why there's a dead Pakistan on my couch?" - Mrs. Reyes exclaims when she comes home to chaos. So Hurley's dad takes off with Sayid to get him to Jack so Mr. Badass Ninja can get better. Hurley stays home with his mom and in one of the best Hurley scenes ever tells her all about what happened on the Island and how they've been lying ever since. I love this scene and it almost makes me cry. Poor Hugo just can't catch a break. I love his mom for telling him, "I believe you. I don't understand you, but I believe you." Now because Hurley called Jack, Ben knows where Hurley is. When Ben shows up Hurley is heating up a Hot Pocket and gets so scared that he throws the Hot Pocket at him. Ha ha ha Too freakin' funny. Since Hurley doesn't trust Ben and because Sayid told him to do the exact opposite of what Ben asks, Hurley runs out of the house and gets himself arrested. Uh-oh.. That can't be good.

In classic Lost fashion, as Sayid and Hurley drive away from the convenience store, Kate and Aaron pull into the parking lot. Sun's on the phone and wants to see Kate. They meet up and Kate tells Sun that men showed up wanting Aaron's blood. Sun advises her to get take care of the dudes. Sun seems all badass now. Talk about a woman scorned. Does she blame Kate for Jin's death? Or is really laying the blame with Jack? Because she immediately asks about him after telling Kate that it wasn't all the freighter business wasn't her fault. Maybe Sun's after Ben and Jack now. Good for her. Take 'em both out! One more question, why does she only have a baby picture of Ji-Yeon. That little girl would be 3 now. She doesn't have a more recent picture? I think that's weird...

Back on the Island, the gang is trying to start a fire when Frogurt/Neil gets shot with fire. The Losties split up and run on Sawyer's orders. Sawyer and Juliet (gag) run off together. They get stopped by two British soldier looking dudes. They've gotta be back in Widmore's time now. As one of the dudes is about to cut off Juliet's hand, a knife comes flying through the jungle and takes the guy out. Who is it? That's right, superhero Locke is here to save the day.. Old school Locke style. I still love that crazy dude. Now who are these crazy people? They're pre-Dharma, right? How many people actually know about this damn place? Maybe it's not the best kept secret..

In the present again, Ben and Jack are together. Ben flushes Jack's pills. Thank goodness. Gotta get that dude back on track if he's gonna be any use to anyone. In the hotel room, Ben unscrews a vent panel and pulls a bag out of the vent space and puts it into another bag, What's that about? What was in the bag? Ben tells Jack to pack up whatever he wants because he won't be coming back. Jack's ok with that. Ben goes to take care of Locke's body. He goes to an Others' butcher shop and asks the lady if things are going to according to plan and tells her she need to protect Locke. Why? What the heck is going on? Does Ben just need somewhere to keep John until they are all ready to return to the Island? Or are the butcher shop Others gonna send Locke back themselves? So confusing... After Ben looses Hurley, he goes to Mrs. Hawking. She's just determined the "Event Window." She tells Ben he has 70 hours. Is this the window of time when the past can actually be saved? Is this the window of time when they can get back to the Island? What the heck is going on? I know this woman has got to be Daniel's mom. Did you see her doing all that crazy physics stuff like he does? They've gotta be related. If Ben doesn't succeed in getting everyone ready in these 70 hours, "then God help us all." Gulp..

LOST: Because You Left

Originally posted: January 29, 2009

Whoa! Lost is back and it is awesome. So Dr. Marvin Candle/Halliwax/Chang is married with a kid and in charge of the Orchid's building. It must be significant that he has a kid, right? Could that kiddo be Miles? Daniel is down in the Orchid helping with construction. Is he time jumping? Or did he come back to this specific time for a reason and for a good chunk of time? The foreman on the project seemed to know him. How crazy was the pic where you could actually see the frozen donkey wheel?! Wow!

Sayid proves once again that he is the biggest badass ever. On the run with Hurley, Sayid managed to kill a dude with an open dishwasher and some butcher knives - ninja style! What went down with Sayid and Ben to make Sayid to stop working for him? Did he find out Ben ordered the hit on Nadia? Because I could totally see Linus doing that to manipulate Sayid into working for him. Plus if Nadia is gone, Sayid would have no reason to want to stay off the Island. Badass Sayid gets hit with two darts and then passes the hell out. Don't worry though, it's just Hurley's turn to save the day.

Lawyers show up at Kate's door requesting a blood sample because someone knows Aaron isn't hers. So she decides to go on the run... I guess some things never change. Did Claire's mom hire those lawyers to find out if Aaron's her grandson? Or is it just more Ben manipulation to try to get Kate and Aaron back to the Island?

Ben finally has Jack on his side and they're about the start their "Re-recruit the Oceanic Six" mission. And they have Locke's dead body in a carpet van. At least Ben got Jack to shave. Whew!

Back on the island, the Losties are running around trying to figure out when they are. I loved Daniel's "Your camp isn't gone, it hasn't been built yet." line. Dum dum dum... Sexy shirtless Sawyer is not happy about the time jumping business (me either, this crap is going to get too confusing). He's not too happy about Faraday deciding he's in charge either. And it woulda been awesome if Sawyer smacked dumb Charlotte too. This whole time jumping thing is sorta cool but it might get old really quickly if things aren't properly explained. I think the jumping happens so much so that we feel as disoriented as our time jumpers do. I'm really glad Rose and Bernard are still around and hopefully will be around much more this season. I'm not concerned about many of the folks left on the Island though. I hope Sawyer ends up okay, I hope Daniel ends up saving the day and I hope Miles's storyline ends up being really cool. Other than that, I just want all my folks back together so we can get some answers.

Mr. John Locke is time jumping all alone. He sees Yemi's plane go down. He runs to it and gets shot by Ethan. When he tries to explain to Ethan that he will be his new leader, Ethan just wants to shot him again. Doesn't it seem like the Others aren't aware of the Island's time traveling business? Just how much information has Ben been keeping to himself? How very Ben was Locke in this moment - spouting off Ethan's name and predictions about the future. Maybe Ben knows all kinds of stuff because he keeps time looping too. Locke gets away from Ethan only because time changed again. Thankfully, Richard shows up to help him and explain what a compass does. I love Richard/Locke scenes.

Daniel very plainly tells Sawyer that the past cannot be changed. So why does he beat on Desmond's hatch and ask him for help? What is he hoping to correct? I totally think Daniel's mom is Mrs. Hawking. The pop-up clips on the replay of "The Lie" says Hawking's first name is Eloise - the same as Daniel's rat. Gotta be his mom, right? I just wish Desmond and Penny weren't going on a mission to find her now. I want Mr. and Mrs. Hume to just sail away in their happy little boat. Guess there's no such thing as a happy ending on Lost...

LOST: There's No Place Like Home, parts two & three

Originally posted: May 30, 2008

"If you mean time traveling bunnies, then yes."

WoOOooOoOooOoW.. I am almost speechless. Lost was great! I am so glad that I kept myself spoiler-free for this season finale. The island disappeared! Locke is in the coffin! Sawyer is still alive! Penny saves the day! Penny and Desmond reunite! The "frozen donkey wheel" was actually a frozen donkey wheel! So many exclamation point worthy things happened last night.

There's so much to cover that I don't know where to start. We now know how the Oceanic Six - plus Des and Frank - got off the island. We know why they lied. When will Jack learn the Locke's right most of the time? I love Sawyer for his heroic jump from the helicopter. It scared the hell outta me though. I was pretty close to hysterics because I thought he was going to die. The only thing that worries me is that when he swam back to the island, he and Julibitch seemed pretty chummy all of the sudden. They better not put those two together. ICK!

Jeremy Bentham = John Locke I was convinced that was Ben. I guess it was too obvious with Ben in the name. So Locke gets off the island and tracks down the Oceanic Six and Walt. He wants them to go back to the island because they weren't supposed to leave and terrible things happened after they did leave. Didn't they realize the island was in charge? It says who! It says when! It says how much! Now Locke is the new leader of the Others. I'm so glad the man has finally found his calling and his place. I hope it'll do him so good. I'll always be on Team Locke and never Team Jack!

How cool was it that the episode started where the season 3 finale left off? That's some serious continuity. I love this show because you never know how things are going to fit back together. We hadn't seen the Portuguese-speaking dudes since season finale two when they called Penny. As soon as I heard them talking I knew it was Penny's boat!

Kate's phone call played backwards said, "The Island needs you. You have to go back before it's too late." I thought creepy Claire was going to be upset with Kate for taking Aaron, but it seems it is what t she would have wanted her to do. Here's a question though – if Claire wants to keep Aaron away from the island and the island wants the baby and crew back, does that mean Jacob and the island want two different things.

I could go on and on and on so I'm just gonna hit some main points.

-I couldn't catch my breath when Jin was running to the helicopter only to see it fly off without him. I cried so hard for Sun and him. It was freakin' heart wrenching.

-Michael's death was actually kind of cool because Christian appeared to him. It kinda makes you thing the ghostly whisperings can't be all bad. Michael finally redeemed himself and could die.

-It was really sad when Walt (that kid grew fast!) came to visit Hurley and said no one came to see him. It was also sad the Hurley had to lie to him about Michael. You know Hugo ain't a lying man.

-I'm glad Keamy got what was coming to him. Ben showed his psychotic tendencies once again. Why didn't Locke just take the heart monitor/bomb device and put it on himself really quickly before Keamy died? Wouldn't that have saved the freighter?

- Sayid is still the biggest badass around. His fight with Keamy was awesome!
- I still haven't figured out what's up with weirdo Miles? Why did he wanna stay?

- I'm only going to admit this once and don't make me repeat it because I'll deny ever saying it – maybe Ben isn't such a bad guy. I mean he moved the damn island. He did it to protect the island and not the people, but he still did it. He sacrificed for the greater good. He actually had tears in his eyes when he told Locke he had to leave the island now. Then he cried while turning the wheel. It almost made me cry and Ben has never made me cry.

The two alternate endings shot were shown on Good Morning America this morning. There were just two other options for coffin guy. One was Sawyer and the other was Desmond. As much as I love Locke, I'm glad it was him. I know we'll get an excellent story to explain how he got there and why.

New questions:
* What the hell was the wheel? How did that move the island? How did Ben know what was going to be down there and what to expect? I am still shocked and amazed.
* Why did Locke leave the island? Did he have to move the island too? Who made his death look like a suicide? Was he crippled again once he left the island (I don't think he was.) I've read a few blogs that think Locke will come back to life once they get him back to the island. What do you think? (I think that's way too creepy. Zombie Locke… he's got a knife! RUN!)
* Did Charles Widmore move the island the last time it was? Is that why he can't get back? Is that why he's looking for the island?
* Where did the island go? Did it just move to another location? Did it move to another time? Did it move through both?
* Charlotte was born on the island? How? Who is she? How did she get off the island?
* If they ALL have to go back to the island, does that include Walt, Ben, Desmond and Frank? They're really gonna think Jack has lost it when he shows up with Locke's body and says, "Hey, let's go back to the island!"
* Oh and can someone please tell me who the hell Dr. Marvin Candle is??? He's not the Dharma video guy is he? I really didn't think that was his name!!

I have to say I loved season four of Lost. It was good stuff. I think the writers' strike might have actually helped us. We probably wouldn't have learned so much if the writers hadn't had to cram it into so few episodes. My only problem is how are we going to survive waiting until 2009 for new Lost? We've done it before, so I guess we can do it again. All I know is I'm about to watch it all over again from the beginning. YAY! Lost rules!

"Checkmate, Mr. Eko."

LOST: There's No Place Like Home, part one

Originally posted: May 19, 2008

Last night's episode made me an emotional wreck. The entire episode seemed to have an impending sense of doom. It's freaking me out. I teared up as the Oceanic Six got off the plane. I'm so glad we finally got to see some of our people rescued. I hate that Jack still thinks he's in charge of everything, even once they're off the island. I love that Kate had no one to greet her. That's what she gets for being a lying con woman! It's killing me to know what went down before they got off the island though. "We are in shock, Jack," Sun tells him. Why?! What happened out there? I hope the season finale answers all those questions.

Off the island - I am so happy Sayid and Nadia were reunited. Yay for Sayid! How cool was Sun? Buying stock in her dad's company and going off on him! Good for her. What did she mean by "two people are responsible for his death?" Also what's up with Mr. Paik's wonky right eye? It grosses me out. It made me really sad though when she lied and said Jin died in the plane crash. Oh! What a sad episodes. Hurley's surprise party entrance and the coconut were creepy. I just knew Charlie was about to appear to him. The whispers started and I was all, "Oh! He wasn't supposed to leave the island!" Yeah, I was wrong, it was just a party… with a luau theme. Amanda went off about how dumb his parents are to throw a luau party when he just got off an island. Then Hurley himself mentioned it. Ha ha ha I had read the numbers were going to show back up this season. How crazy was it that they are in Hurley's car? Doo doo doo doo do doo doo (you should be hearing the creepy Twilight Zone music right now) So Claire's comatose mother is out of the coma. She showed up to tell Jack that Claire is his sister. His face was priceless. I beat he's feeling majorly guilty for something he did on that island. Poor Claire. I miss her already. Poor Claire's mom for being that close to her grandson and not even knowing it was him.

Back on the island - My boyfriend Sawyer was back this week. His face when he told Kate and Jack that they lost Claire broke my heart. I love how much he has grown. When I first started watching the show, I hated Sawyer. Now he's the kind of guy who saves babies and won't let them leave with out Hurley. I just wish he were getting on that helicopter with Jack and Frank to fly home to me!

The boat is loaded with explosives. What the hell? Who did that? Is that why Jin doesn't make it off the island? Sun left without even a big heartfelt goodbye to Jin. Damnit, doesn't she know she's never gonna see him again?! The signal on the boat is being jammed. Is that one of the things they are doing at the Orchid (by they, I mean whoever got there first)? I am a little worried about what's going to happen to the freighter. It's not much of a mystery though because we already know Jin doesn't make it off the island, we don't care what happens to Michael, and I've seen a picture where Desmond is with the Oceanic 6 in the water. I'm assuming that means Des end up ok. What was Charlotte's meaningful look at Daniel, as he took off in the boat, all about? We know only two people on that boat make it off the island. What does that mean for Daniel? I hope he doesn't die. That man is smart and knows way too much about our island to be killed off.

Ben, Locke and Hurley continue their "move the island" mission. How the heck is Hurley gonna get back to everyone else? I have to respect Ben for just walking right into that dangerous situation. They don't want him dead though and Ben knows that. Keamy with a gun to Ben's head isn't suspenseful at all because we already know Ben makes it to the future.

New questions:

* How are all six of them going to get back together to be rescued?
* What are Richard Alpert and the Others going to do with Sayid and Kate?
* Is my Sawyer gonna die? I'm so worried about him.
* Will we finally learn who's in the season 3 casket?!
* What the hell are the "algothriatians" things that Locke is supposed to look for on the left wall down in the Orchid? What is he going to do in the Orchid??
* What is in the Orchid? How does Charles Widmore know what's in there? I think he must have been on the island at some point. Then the thing moved and he's been trying to get back for some reason.

I'm doing so good this time about spoilers. I am not going to ruin the ending for myself like I did last season. Oh man, two weeks is too long!! I can't wait for the huge surprise!

LOST: Cabin Fever

Originally posted: May 9, 2008

"He wants us to move the island." MOVE THE ISLAND?! WTF? I freaking love this show. Last night's episode was pretty dang good. I could just be partial though because I love me some John Locke. I loved that we finally got to see Locke in the cabin. So much new information was thrown at us. What does it all mean?

Oh my poor little John, he was always being rejected. The island has wanted him there his whole life though. Isn't that why Alpert was in the hospital? Isn't that why he visits John with the test? It's why Mittelos Science camp in Portland wanted John. Abbadon is even the one who suggests the walkabout to Locke. The walkabout is what finally gets him on the island. The island finally wins. But why does the island want him there? To be the new leader, to be Ben's replacement? To protect it? Is Locke on the island because it's the one place he can finally be a superhero?

What happened to Claire?! Is she dead? It seems like the most logical explanation to me. I don't see how else she would be ok with just chillin' in Jacob's cabin with her deadbeat dad, especially without Aaron. She looked so calm and creepy. I've read a few interesting theories on what's going on with her. One is that she died when the house exploded, but her consciousness somehow (it's a complicated theory) kept her body alive so she could keep Aaron safe. Miles seemed so interested in her because she was dead, but neither she nor Sawyer knew it. I'm such a baby that I started crying when we saw her in the cabin. I don't want Claire to be dead! I love her. Then again I guess there's no point in Claire without Charlie. What do you think Claire in the cabin was all about?

Meanwhile back on the freighter, Michael got beat up some more. That's for killing Libby, you punk! The island is still protecting Michael though because he couldn't be shot. Someone needs to kill Keamy. That dude sucks. I think Frank has a plan and he's gonna take care of homicidal Keamy. How cool was it that Frank dropped the sat phone for them? I like that dude. I love that we got to see that one guy get Daniel's morse code message. This show is so perfectly planned out. It amazes me! Also thanks to the captain, Sayid is now off to save the day. We just can't figure out how he thinks he's going to fit anyone on that boat. No wonder only six people get off the island!

I love Hurley. As much as I dislike Ben, it was nice of Hurley to share his chocolate bar with him. You gotta love that dude. He also makes me laugh! "I'm not even in the front!" I loved this episode and can't wait to watch it again.

New questions:
* Can the island be moved? Is that one of the reasons no one could find it? And if it can be moved, how does Ben go back and forth?
* Which item was little Locke supposed to pick? Amanda says the comic book. I think so too. I mean Walt had a comic book and the comic is all about a hidden land.
* If Horace Goodspeed has been dead for 12 years, does that mean the purge occurred in 1992?
* Why did protocol B have a Dharma logo on it?
* When is Locke going to see Abbadon again? Is he a good guy or a bad guy? Being creepy looking doesn't necessarily mean he's a bad guy.
* Who hit John's pregnant mom? Was it intentional? Was it someone we know?

Next week: I don't know what it's called and I don't know who it's about. The preview looks like it might be another (groan) Kate episode. I'm also confused about how many more episodes we get. I know the season finale concludes on May 29th. I thought we were getting one hour of it one week and then two hours the next. Or are they stretching it out to three weeks? If anyone can tell me, I will love you forever!!

LOST: Something Nice Back Home

Originally posted: May 2, 2008

So Jack and Kate are together in the future – the future after Hurley goes to the mental hospital, but before Jack tries to kill himself and goes to the unknown funeral. I'm glad we are getting more explanations now. Jack starts his boozing and drugging habit because he sees his dead father and because he can't trust Kate. I wonder what happens to make Jack and Kate break up. I'm glad they do break up eventually because neither dictator Jack nor liar Kate deserves to be happy. Is the "I saved you" scene the end of the relationship? Jack is so damn cocky. Get over yourself. I wanted to slap his drunk face when he was going on and on at Kate. You'd think he wouldn't be threatened by Sawyer anymore. I mean the dude is on an island that no one can find. You won, Jack, you got to take home the skank and try to make an honest woman out of her.

Future Hurley is creepy. That whole scene with him and Jack was just plain scary. Why does Charlie keep visiting Hurley? Is it even really Charlie or just a version of Jacob (if Jacob can shape shift)? How crazy was it that Charlie's message was "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack"? Just like the psychic told Claire that no one but her should raise the baby.

The whole appendectomy storyline bored me. What was the point? Other than to have Rose question why Jack got sick. Is it because he's unworthy? I think so. I mean the island heals everyone else. The island might be trying to tell Jack that leaving it is not such a good idea. It was kinda nice to see Julibitch and Kate getting along. But I don't like either of them, so I got no pleasure out of Julibitch being friendly and telling Kate that Jack loves her. Blah blah blah

Sun and Jin traveled to the medical station with Daniel and Charlotte. I don't know what it is about the red headed liar, but I can't stand Charlotte. Amanda and I figured out immediately that the bitch could speak Korean. She looked at them one too many times. I love Jin for figuring it out too. He was so badass threatening to break all Dan's fingers! Why did creepazoid smile after Jin told her that Sun needed to be taken off the island with or without him?

I can't believe Rousseau is really dead. I refused to believe it until we had actually proof. I'd say her dead body is proof enough. I hope the writers keep their promise and we'll actually get to see her back story at some point.

Once again, Sawyer proves he is THE MAN. I love this whole taking care of Claire and Aaron side that's emerged from him. Where did Christian take Claire? Why did the leave Aaron? I hope they show her again. I am going to need to grieve for my Claire if they kill her off. Amanda's theory (which I love) is that Sawyer doesn't leave the island because he can't find Claire. So he sends Aaron ahead to be safe. He feels responsible for her since Charlie is gone and he's gonna do whatever it takes to find her. I love Sawyer!!!

New Questions:

* Jack knows he's related to Aaron. How does he find that out?
* Miles could see Christian. Does that mean he's really dead? Why was Miles brought to the island? What murder or history does Widmore want him to unveil?
* The newspaper Jack picks up that mentions the Yankees/Red Sox baseball game is from August 30, 2007. I suppose this explains why Aaron looks so much older. So how much further in the future and when is the season 3 finale? I am getting so confused. DOH!
* Why is Hurley seeing Charlie and Jack seeing Christian? Are they feeling guilty about actions taken on the island? So guilty that they are channeling them into being there, even when they aren't?
* What was Kate doing for Sawyer? Why didn't she just tell Jack? I think it probably has something to do with his daughter and she went to see the baby mama.

Next week's episode is called "Cabin Fever" and is a Locke flashback. YAY! I heart Locke.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

LOST: The Shape of Things to Come

Originally posted: April 25, 2008

Oh man.. Where do I start? When last night's episode began, I was a little bored. A Ben episode? Please. I can't stand the man. But when Lost is over and he turns out to be a good guy and save the day (I don't know if this will really happen, but for some reason, it wouldn't surprise me), I'll take back every bad word I've ever said about him - unless he kills Penny. If he harms a hair on her blonde head, we're gonna have words.

Ben and Widmore have some kind of twisted history. What the hell are the rules? Did they have a falling out and each agree to leave the other alone? Ben would get the island and Widmore would get what? Then something happened to make all that change? It was really cool to finally see some interaction between those two. I am so mad at Ben for threatening to kill Penelope. I do feel badly for him because Alex was killed. It was nice to see Ben actually be human. But he just can't hurt Pen. Penny and Desmond have to live happily ever after!

Ben controls old Smoky? Holy cow! That was the craziest thing I have ever seen. What exactly did he do in that little secret room? Has Ben been responsible for every Smoky death then? How did he pick and choose who to kill? Does he just send it out and tell it to get rid of anyone who poses a threat to the island? If that's the case this gives me one more reason to hate Ben. He killed my Mr. Eko!

I am so glad that we now know why Sayid has gone to work for Ben. Poor Sayid. He finally gets Nadia back and she gets murdered. Here's my question though – Ben sure had a big smile when Sayid said he wanted to help him. Did Ben manipulate Sayid into working for him? Could he have had Nadia killed, pretended that the tall dude did it and blame it all on Widmore just to get Sayid on his side? That seems like Ben's m.o. to me.
So I think it was weird that the gunmen shooting at Sawyer were able to kill the nobodies so easily, but couldn't catch my boyfriend. Is it because Sawyer had a gun and is just that good at dodging bullets? Or was it that they weren't really trying to harm that beautiful man? My favorite thing about Sawyer is that he acts like a big hardass, but that man has got mad love for his fellow islanders. He's just a big softie inside. I love that he's taking care of Claire now. Someone has to now that Charlie is gone. I also love how quickly he took up for Hurley. Sawyer would've shot Locke too. He wasn't playing. Hmm.. Sawyer makes me swoon. Oh and I am so glad that Claire is ok. Well, at least she is for now.

New Questions:

* Who killed the doctor from the freighter? Why did Daniel lie about the morse code? (How cool was Bernard calling his squirmy ass out? Oh yeah, Bernard rocks!)

* Daniel says "when is pretty relative." Did the message say the doctor was fine b/c he hasn't been killed yet? Time on the freighter and the island are two very different things.

* How the hell did Ben get from the island to the desert in a parka? He seemed very disoriented when he woke up. Maybe he left in the "black box."

* When are they gonna get to Jacob? What is he going to tell him? Why is Hurley the one who can find him? Is it because he's a little crazy?

* What do all the carvings on the door of Ben's secret Smoky room mean? That crap was creepy!

Next week's episode is called "Something Nice Back Home" and it's a Jack episode. Rumor has it a certain member of Drive Shaft will in it.. YAY! LOST

LOST: Meet Kevin Johnson

Originally posted: March 20, 2008

Tonight’s Lost was a waste of time. The questions I really wanted answers to were not answered. So Widmore is really the big bad, so Michael is definitely working for Ben. How funny that Sayid was so quick to judge Michael for being Ben’s underling, when in the future that becomes his role. Bastard! -- Amanda and Missy are helping with this blog. Amanda says," This episode of Lost sucked and the previews for next time sucked too. They just showed people’s faces. HELLO!" Missy figured out how Michael got on the boat. Okay, that’s the end of their contributing. --

Michael’s guilt is eating him up. He can’t kill himself because "the island won’t let" him. Tom told Michael he had work to do. This is not the first time someone has been told this. In face, Walt told Locke that when he was going to kill himself. Who’s in charge of all this work? Ben? Widmore? God? I think that it is Michael in the casket because once he gets off the island for good, his work is done and he can finally kill himself. Maybe it’s that he has redeemed himself by helping the Oceanic Six get off the island, so then Michael can die.

I think it’s interesting that the ghostly whisperings were heard off the island for the first time. I am also glad to know that Walt made it safely off the island and isn’t dead. (That was my theory for about a minute. I thought it explained his appearance to Locke.)

The big death twist was Karl? Come on now, do we really care about Karl? I’m sad for Alex, but I’m not invested in Karl. Thank goodness it wasn’t my Claire. Rousseau cannot really be dead. How are we ever gonna get her flashback if she’s dead? I am hoping the island heals her as it has Locke countless times. Lost sucks if we never get her back story. That’s all I can say about that.

New Questions:
* Here’s one of the things that confused me – when Michael is in the hospital, there is clearly a Christmas tree outside the hospital room. How is it Christmastime? I guess they hadn’t been on the water very long before Naomi crashed-landed on the island?
* How did Widmore and Abbadon get the freighter crew together so quickly? Mr. Friendly (I knew he was gay. Remember he told Kate she wasn’t his type? Ha ha ) told Kevin the freighter would be leaving from Fiji in a few days.
* How did Miles know Michael’s name isn’t Kevin? Is he not just a dead communicator? Is he just a psychic?
* Again with the lists? Ben is driving me crazy. How did people make it on the list?
* How does Mr. Friendly go back and forth? They obviously have money if he can stay in the penthouse. Why do only some people get to go back and forth? How are the special ones determined?
* Is Ben really one of the "good guys?" The eternal question..

How will we make it until April 24th? How am I going to wait until 9 pm every Thursd

LOST: Ji Yeon

Originally posted: March 14, 2008

I said I wasn’t going to read any more spoilers. I wish I had been telling the truth. I read yesterday that Jin’s was a flashback and Sun’s was a flash forward and that good ole Jin was dead. Man, I wish I hadn’t have known that. Last night’s episode would have been so much more enjoyable if I’d had no clue. Oh well - shoulda, coulda, woulda. I liked the episode though, even though my beloved Jin got killed off. I guess the Lost killing off DUI actors tradition still stands. Oh how I miss my Mr. Eko!

So, where do I start? Michael’s back and it was meant to be a huge shocker. Maybe if the producers hadn’t included Harold Perrineau’s name in the credits since episode one of season four, then we’d all be more surprised. I loved the scene where Sayid and Desmond "meet" Kevin Johnson/Michael Dawson. Badass Sayid seemed a little surprised (which is cool because that man is never rattled), so surprised the he stuttered his own name. They were still able to act like they didn’t know each other though. What a cool scene. I can’t wait till next week so we can find out what Michael the monster (I will never forgive him for killing Libby!) has been up to all this time. Maybe we’ll find out where Walt is too.

Sun is worried about the baby and she knows Juliebitch has a history of lying, so she wants to go to Locke’s camp. She’s freaked out by the Freighter folks and doesn’t think she’ll get off the island if they stay where they are. The loving Jin says, "Wherever Sun go, I go." I love that man! So the Kwons would have just wandered off to Locke’s camp, if it hadn’t been for Juliet. (While I am glad Sun gets off the island and has the baby because of Juliebitch, I still hate that manipulator.) Too bad Juliet had to pull a Ben and break Jin’s heart to keep them on Jack’s side of the island. I hate her for telling Jin about Sun’s affair. His face when he found out just broke my heart. I was yelling at the tv when Juliebitch told Jin. (Joey now thinks I am crazier than crazy.) My favorite moment: when Sun slapped the crap outta that terrible slutface Juliebitch. I HATE Juliebitch! It was so great to see her get what was coming to her. Thank goodness Sun and Jin made up. It was so hard to watch them fight. I just love love love those two.

In Jin’s flashback, we realize he is not getting the panda for their baby. He’s brining it to a Paik contact. We also find out he’s only been married two months and it’s 2000. Sun’s flash forward has Hurley coming to visit and meeting little Miss Ji Yeon. (I’m so glad Sun makes it off the island and has the baby!) They go to visit Jin and he’s dead. I can’t believe Jin is dead. How sad. This scene made me cry. So Jin’s tombstone says 9/22/04, the day of the Oceanic crash. What does that mean? Did he die on the island and it was easier to say he died in the crash? Is he still alive on the island, but they have to pretend he is dead for some reason? Oh so many questions… my head may explode.

New Questions:

* Desmond and Sayid got a "Don’t trust the captain" note. Does that mean the captain is lying about the cabin fever? About the black box? About working for Widmore? Why would he give all that information up so easily?

* The captain wants Ben. Did Ben stage the crash? We know he can travel on and off the island and must have some kind of access to amazing resources. If he did it, did he do it to keep people from looking for flight 815? To keep the island safe?

* Where did the 324 bodies come from?

* I can’t remember, so someone help me out here, have Desmond and Michael ever met? I don’t think they have.

* Jin’s date of death is the day of the crash. So does he stay on the island? Does he die on the island?

* Why is Hurley go to Korea? Did he go to meet the newest Kwon? Since Jin’s tombstone was already up, it’s not like he was there for the funeral. Why did he ask if "anyone else is coming?" And why was it "good" that no one else is? Does this flash forward take place before Hurley ends up in the mental hospital?

* Who’s the final Oceanic Sixer? We’ve got Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, and Sun. Jin must not count because he "died" the day of the plane crash. Does that make Aaron number 6? Or did someone else get off the island?

* How can they say Jin died the day of the crash? Sun got pregnant on the island. If Jin died September 24th, then wouldn’t the time for the pregnancy not add up? They were on the island for awhile before she got knocked up.

Next week – "Meet Kevin Johnson" is Michael centered. We’ll find out what happened after he and Walt sailed away from the island. Plus Libby is back. WOO HOO! I loOoOOoOve Libby. Oh and someone is going to die. Who do you think it will be? Will we find out what happened to Jin or will it be someone else? Please don’t be Claire!! After killer Michael’s episode the show will be off until April 24th. Six more weeks without Lost... How will we survive again?!

A little spoilery... don’t read if you don’t want to know…

What to expect for the rest of the season:

Episode 9 - "Bakir" - Sayid Centric
Apparently this episode will be a Sayid flash forward that will show what event was used to convince Sayid to work for Ben. Bakir will be the first person Sayid is required to kill for Ben. He also noted that we will see Abbandon at some point in this episode, The way he worded it to me though made it sound like they would mention or show a picture of him, and that the actor wouldn’t actually appear. (Ummm… didn’t we already get a Sayid episode?! Not fair!)

Episode 10 - "The Outlier" - Ben Centric.
I am not sure about all the math stuff posted in the rumor that also confirmed the same name of this episode that my friend gave me. However, my source said this would be a Ben flashback that will focus on filling in most of the blanks on his time on the island. Most of the episode will be spent in flashbacks not in real time. Apparently it will show his actions right before the purge, an earlier encounter with Jacob, and the beginning of the pregnancy problem, which will include Annie dying in childbirth. (Ben sucks.)

Episode 11 - "Untitled" - Locke Centric
Apparently during episode 10 Ben will reveal some information to Locke off camera and the two will head off somewhere unexplained. Similar to the Brig, this episode will fill in the blanks about where they are headed. Locke will learn how his father ended up on the island and this episode will show the re-appearance of the rest of the others who have been in hiding. Harper will be in this episode and i guess it is now safe to assume to Alpert will be in this episode. (Yay! I heart that crazy old bat John Locke!)

Season Finale - Ep 12/13 - Jack Centric
This will be a Jack flashforward showing how he got from his state of mind in Eggtown/the beginning of the end to how he ended up in through the looking glass. We will learn who ended up in the coffin and will jack’s beginning efforts to come back to the island mirror the real-time events of him leaving the island with the rest of the "Oceanic 6". (Oh joy, a king Jack episode.) ---- source: http://losteastereggs.blogspot.com/

Where’s the Sawyer episode? Or Claire’s? UGH! Damn writers strike…

LOST: The Other Woman

Originally posted: March 7, 2008

Yawn.. A Juliebitch episode is a Juliebore. Juliebitch's storyline just doesn't interest me much. I don't really see that we learned too much from last night's episode. Juliet was in therapy and doing the therapist's hubby. Reason 457,291 to dislike that home wrecking hussy. Ben further proves his psychotic-ness by declaring Juliebitch "mine!" Goodwin was intentionally sent to the Talies in the hopes that he would be killed. How could Ben know Goodwin would be figured out and killed? The man is pure evil, but his manipulation skills always amaze me. I guess it comes with the evil territory.

How could Locke still be so stupid as to let Ben further manipulate him? I think Charles Widmore definitely has something to do with the island. Maybe he's trying to find it to make sure Desmond never leaves it or to make sure Penny never finds the island/Des. I don't think Widmore is looking for Lost island to exploit it like Ben claims. That's not a good enough reason and the answer was given so easily. Lost doesn't give up important information that easily! The video even seemed a little staged. Who was the man in the blindfold in the video? I looked at close-up screen caps today and I still can't tell. It may not be anyone we know yet. And yes, Widmore may have hired the Freighters, but I still haven't figured out why. Daniel and Charlotte proved they aren't trying to kill everyone with the gas though. So bonus points for them.

My favorite parts were when Kate got bonked on the head, getting to see Hurley and Sawyer, even though it was for like a minute, and when Ben told them he'd see them at dinner. The looks on Hurley and Sawyer's faces were priceless. Ha ha ha I don't blame them though because Ben scares the hell outta me too. So now that Locke has let Ben go free, how long will it take for his group to turn against him? As much as they want to have faith in John, they'll never be on Ben's side. Once again, Ben has manipulated himself into getting his way. Damnit!

New Questions:

* So now we've seen the Tempest station. The one Goodwin was in charge of. The station that he had to keep regulated so the gas wouldn't kill everyone again. Is Ben in anticipation of another purge? Is that why he keeps that station around?

* Again, we come back to the lists. What do they mean? How does Ben, Goodwin or anyone else decide who is "worthy" to become an Other?

* "You look just like her." Harper tells Juliebitch. Who does she look like? Alex's "mom?" Annie? Ben's mom?

* After creepy whispering, Harper appears to Juliebitch in the woods. Jack sees her too, but then Harper disappears. Is she dead? Is that how she can appear and then disappear so easily? Or is Harper just the form Jacob took to try to control Juliebitch?

Next week is Sun and Jin's episode. We find out the last two Oceanic Six (geez, I wonder who it is), someone dies and Michael's back. It should be good!

LOST: The Constant

Originally posted: Feb 29,2008

Lost is this big puzzle and every week we get a new piece, sometimes it fits perfectly and sometimes it makes me throw out an earlier piece because there's no way that one can fit anymore. The puzzle won't be completely solved until the show ends. That is what's so great about it! Last night's episode was a major puzzle piece. I knew it was going to be good because Desmond episodes always are. No one else can pull off that scared crazy eye thing that Desmond does.

I love that Desmond and Penelope finally got to talk. Whatta great scene. I almost cried. So time off the island and time on the island is the same. Desmond tells Pen he'll call on December 24th, 2004 and he does. I'm confused again. I thought time in the real world would be ahead of island time, since time there passes more slowly.

The whole jumping back in forth and time thing was so cool. Desmond went back 8 years. That's one of the numbers! So it's possible to change the future by changing the past. Does that mean when Desmond jumped back during the purple flash he could have changed everything if he hadn't walked away from Penny again? Would no one be on this island now? Every action has a consequence. We know all the Losties are intricately connected. Just another crazy Lost tangent for me to go on..

So George had the same time traveling sickness thing happen to him. I wonder if this is what happened to Rousseau's crew. She said they all got sick and died.

Ooh.. Ooh.. Watch with Kristin says, "Eko's stick said, 'Look north, John 3:05' and that Frank's heading was North 305." How cool is that?! I love Lost!

New Questions:

*Wow... the Black Rock… I wanna read that journal. How was it found 7 years later somewhere else? The captain's last name was Hanso, as in the Hanso Foundation! WTF? Also the lot number for the journal was 2342 – the same as the numbers Desmond gave Daniel.

*You know Charles Widmore is playing a major role in the whole island thing. What is it? Are the Freighters working for him? Is that why they aren't allowed to answer Penelope's calls?

*Widmore bought Hanso's Black Rock journal. Did he somehow get Desmond to crash on the island on purpose? Was Libby working for him? Is that what she was doing in the mental institute with Hurley too? I don't think anything or anyone is on that island by chance. Someone has orchestrated it all.

*Why were the boat guys so mad at Frank for bringing Sayid and Desmond there? What do they know? What are they trying to hide? Who's their captain? We still haven't seen Regina.

*So was the Dharma Initiative doing time travel research? That would account for all the strange animals on the island. They raised them and then used them in experiments.

*Who destroyed the communication equipment? Locke? Frank? Ben's guy on the inside? Why?

*"If anything goes wrong, Desmond Hume will be my constant." – Oh man, so that means something bad is going to happen to Daniel? He's kinda growing on me. Is he gonna be affected because he was exposed to lots of radiation during his time travel experiments?

*At the end, Desmond seems to remember Sayid. Does that mean he's fixed because he talked to his constant? He won't die and he'll remember everything. I hope so because I can't handle a dead Desmond.

I'm ready to watch the episode again to see what I missed.

Next week is Julbitch's and it's called "The Other Woman." All her flashbacks take place on the island. Maybe we'll learn some major stuff. Oh and it looks like Kate gets hit on the back of the head with a hammer.. ha ha ha I can't wait to see that!

LOST: Eggstown

Originally posted: Feb 22, 2008

I forget how much dislike Kate until we get a Kate episode and then I remember all over again. She's a user, liar, murderer, and thief. Can you tell me why the woman can't take a shower and change clothes? She's been wearing that same dirty tank top forever! Oh and how stupid can you be to not want to be with my gorgeous boyfriend Sawyer?! I just had to get that off my chest before I can begin.

First off, Locke is going crazy. This man has no clue what he is doing, but he's "responsible for the care of this island," so he is going to do what he has to do. I love it when he told Kate she had to leave and go back to the other side of the island. Ha ha ha

Here's what I don't get – why is everyone so shocked that Kate is raising Aaron? Amanda and I figured that out about 10 minutes into the episode. They obviously haven't been off the island very long, so enough time hasn't passed for Kate to have a baby. Sawyer isn't off the island with her - do you think that man would have just let her leave if she was having his baby? He would've gone with her, no matter the consequences, because he loves her. It was clear to us from the scene where Kate and Claire are doing the laundry and Claire asks Kate to pick up Aaron. Kate says she's not good with kids and she looks at Aaron for a long time. From this scene on, we knew Kate's "son" had to be Aaron. She doesn't have sex with Sawyer (hooray for a scene with him in nothing but boxers… YUM!) and she's tells him she's not pregnant. To me that means she was on her period. I can think of no other reason to not have sex with Sawyer. That would be the only thing that would stop me! We've been shown enough flash forwards to know that Kate and Jack don't end up together. So we knew Jate didn't have a baby together. Besides, if Jack had a baby, he'd see that kid no matter what. The scene when Kate tells him that he can't have coffee with her until he can see the kid shows that it's not Jack's son. He couldn't see Aaron because of whatever happened to Claire. He must feel guilty and terrible and just can't be reminded of all that by seeing his nephew. So the biggest question now is: What happened to Claire? I started crying when Kate grabbed Aaron and started crying because that confirms to me that Claire must be dead. That breaks my heart. I love Claire!

I did like the meeting between Miles and Ben. Ben looked pretty freaked out when Miles said he knew who Ben was and what Ben did and now he knows where Ben is. I love Ben being scared. One theory I've got is that Matthew Abbadon's freighters were sent there to get Ben because Ben killed their relatives during the purge. They are pissed and want some revenge. What does Miles need 3.2 million dollars for and why does he think Ben has that kind of money?

New Questions:

*Ben told Sayid, "Don't you want to protect your friends?" Are the friends requiring Sayid's protection Kate and Aaron?

*Why did Jack and Kate say there were 8 survivors and only 6 made it? Why even mention 2 others? Are Michael and Walt the other two? Did someone who didn't make it off the island make contact with the outside world, so they have to acknowledge that there were more alive at some point? Oh… Charlie made contact with the outside world!

*Does Aaron count as one of the Oceanic Six? If Aaron is 5, does that mean 6 is in the casket from the season 3 finale?

*Will Kate not go back to the island with Jack because she cannot leave the state of California? Will Kate actually stay in one place now? I can't imagine "motherhood" changing her that much.

*Oh and what does the episode title mean? Usually it's clear where the title comes from, but I don't know about this one.

*What messed up crap did these people do to get off the island? I don't know if I can handle a Lost world without Claire and Sawyer in it. I also don't know how the Oceanic Six are ever gonna be redeemed for whatever went down to get them off the island.

Next week, we get a Desmond episode. We'll find out what happened on the helicopter. Desmond episodes are usually pretty good. Here's hoping next week's is better than last night's.

LOST: The Economist

Originally posted: Feb 15,2008

This one bored me. There were like two "oh my god!" moments, but those weren't even that huge. I am not going to get all down on Lost though because I know this episode is just one on the journey to bigger and better things.

They've ruined my Sayid for me. I love Sayid the badass, I do not love future Sayid the hit man, Ben's henchman. How terrible the futures become for the Oceanic Six. It must be the price they pay for leaving the island.

Sayid is following lists? That was the first clue that he was working for Ben. Was anyone truly surprised when Ben showed up at the end? I wasn't. Ben's the big bad. We know that! I just wanna know why Sayid teams up with that bastard. Ben asks Sayid, "Don't you want to protect your friends?" Again I ask, what happened on that island?! Ben must be blackmailing Sayid to work for him, so that the other five don't have to face the consequences of what went down on the island. Oh and why was homedude on the golf course scared of Mr. Jarrah when he told him he was an Oceanic Sixer? Strange..

What the hell is going with Locke's group? I knew Hurley was leading Sayid, Kate and Miles into a trap. Maybe that's why he apologized to Jack for going with Locke. You know Hurley's not into trapping people and being all covert. He's a sucky liar too – all that babbling, I knew he was lying. I loved his "The ship sent us another Sawyer" line. Ha ha ha One more reason to dislike Miles. You can't be mean to Hurley and get away with it, unless you are Sawyer! What went down when Sayid traded Miles for Charlotte?

Thanks to Daniel's experiment, the show has confirmed there is time travel! This I loved! Yay. I love being right. So the island is 31 minutes behind the rest of the world or they're in some parallel universe that's 31 minutes behind everyone else. How cool is that? What does it mean? Daniel tells Frank to be sure to follow the same bearing they came in on. Is that because if he doesn't, they'll end up in another time or parallel universe? Wowzers (Good thing I watched Back to Future again recently so I now have some time travel knowledge.)

"So I'm your prisoner, now?" – Kate "If that's how you wanna play it." - Sawyer Damn, I'd be Sawyer's prisoner. I loved their scene. He wants to play house with her. She's a fool for not doing it. I hate Kate, but I want her with my boyfriend because he loves her so much. It does make me happy that she's not with Jack in the future. Mwaha ha ha, bitch.

New Questions:

*Why is it so windy at the barracks when Sayid, Kate and Miles get there?

*Ben's secret room? All those passports? Ben can leave the island? What is that crazy man doing?! Does the room lead off the island? Is this room the "magic box?" Is that where Anthony Cooper/original Sawyer appeared?

*Who is Elsa's boss? Is it someone we already know? Elsa and Naomi each had a bracelet. Is that a gift from their boss? Is Matthew Abbadon their boss? (Amanda Gayle's cool new theory is that when creepy Matt asked Hurley if they were still alive, he was referring to his crew. Maybe the Six leave the island without Abbadon's freighter folks. Talk about every man for himself!)

*Naomi had a picture of Desmond and Miles had one of Ben, does that mean each of the Freighter Four have an island native to catch? Maybe they're after Juliet, Danielle and Alex too. Who knows? I figure they are after the natives because they sure aren't impressed with the Ocean 815 survivors.

*Who's the RG on Naomi's bracelet? -- "I don't know, something girly for your office, R.G." Sorry, Friends moment, I couldn't help it. -- Regina's name starts with an R, so does that Richard guy. Do we know anyone with the RG initials? I'm racking my brain here.

Next week's episode is Kate-centric. What are we gonna learn about her future? Will we find out who "he" is? Is there a Sawyer Jr. running around. Gosh, I hope so!

LOST: Confirmed Dead

Originally posted: Feb 8, 2008

Holy cow! I LOVED Lost last night. It was sooo good. The mystery is back, the fun is back, those good old Lost days are back! My head is going to explode from all my new ideas and new questions.

The Freighters are there to get Ben?! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who despises him. I wonder what he did and why they want him. When they realized Juliebitch wasn't on the plane, I thought they were going to kill her. I was so disappointed when they didn't. So that Dan guy is annoying and possibly the worst liar ever. Miles seems ok and why oh why do they need a ghost buster on the island? Because the Others are dead!! (just one of my 500 theories) Why do they need Charlotte, an anthropologist, on the island? To study the Others? To figure out what happened on the island because the island is in the past? What does the discovery of the polar bear skeleton and the Dharma logo mean? For me all signs point to time travel! Frank was supposed to be flying Oceanic 815. I wonder what happened for someone else to end up flying the plane. Creepy Michael Abbadon (the guy who visited Hurley last week) is in charge of this mission. So whom does he work for? Oceanic? Widmore (Penelope's dad)? Someone orchestrated the whole cover-up with the fake plane in the water. Who and why? Another major question for me is: if those people are looking for Oceanic survivors and Ben, how did they know Desmond was on the island too? He wasn't part of the Others or the plane crashers. Oh and how did Ben get a spy on the freighter? Does he really have a spy or is he bluffing yet again?

"If I had a kidney, I'd be dead." – this is why I love Locke and this unbelievable show. Everything is tied together and it all comes together. Locke may be crazy and he may really screw things up on the island, but I can't help but to love the man. He has a plan. I don't understand why his plan doesn't include gagging Ben so no one has to hear his manipulative mouth though. I loved when he had the gun at Ben and asked him, "What's the monster?!" That's right John get some answers for us.

Can I just say that Sayid is still a badass and will always be a badass. How cool was it when he and Juliebitch came along to help out Jack and Kate? How dumb am I that I missed Jack's "subtle" wink?

The Oceanic hotline is a real number, 1 888 548 0034. I just called it. It's nothing impressive, but it's cool that the show went to the trouble to set up a real hotline. I know we're only on episode two of this season, but I am so happy with it so far. Even though every week we have more questions, we're actually getting answers for once. Do you love it too??