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Friday, February 5, 2010

LOST: Jughead

Originally posted: January 29, 2009

The first two hours of Lost were great. Episode three did not impress me though. I'm not going to give up on Lost ever, but all this time traveling is frustrating. I am not a big fan of change - on my tv shows, in life, in general. I don't like that the show is no longer character-centric episodes with a current storyline and flashback/forward story too. I guess I"ll just have to get used to that though.

So where do I start? With Locke.. I have always loved Locke, even when he's done crazy stuff like blow up submarines and stab parachutists. Last night we learned that Richard Alpert is there for Locke's birth because Locke suggested it. We know Richard shows up several more times as John is growing up. It seemed as if Richard was doing this to recruit the Island's next leader, but really it's only because John told him to. So what does that mean? I think it means that Locke is NOT supposed to be the leader of the Others. Poor "I Want to Be Special" Locke just set himself up for another manipulation. He's not the rightful leader because he didn't pass Richard's tests. The current Others are just going to let John do whatever he offers to do for the Island b/c he's the only one who will do it. Someone has to sacrifice to keep the place hidden. Why not let Locke do it? Yeah, the Island healed him, but it healed Rose and Jin too and neither one of them tried to become the Others' new Ben. I think I feel this way because I'm buying into David's new "Jack was brought to the Island to take over Ben's job" theory.

Desmond and Penny named their little boy (who looks like a girl) Charlie. Aww.... So this is another thing I didn't like about the episode - I don't want Des and Penny involved in this "get people back to the Island" thing. I want them to stay sailing away on their boat living happily ever after. If that means no more episodes with them, then so be it. I'd rather that than have to watch her monster father or psycho Ben chase them. I don't understand why Desmond can't just let it go.

This is what really made me mad - I like Daniel Faraday. I want him to be this awesome good guy who's gonna save the day. Last night made him seem like a bad guy though. He's Widmore's benefactor (i know we don't technically know if Widmore is good or bad yet, but in my mind he's baaad), his time at Oxford has been covered up, he seems to be lying about not being able to change the past, etc. I think Daniel is manipulating Desmond. He has some plan that we just don't know yet and I get the feeling it's not a good plan.

* Young Charles Widmore is on the Island. Will we get to see why he left? Why he thinks the Island is his?
* What's happening to Charlotte? Does she need a constant? Is she being erased Back to the Future style?
* Is Ellie Rousseau? Ellie could be short for Danielle. Or is she Juliet's "you look like her" girl - the one Harper referred to when Juliet and she were talking about Ben?
* There's a huge ass bomb on the Island? What happened to it? Is it's explosion "The Incident?" Do they bury it?

I know a lot more happened in the episode, but I got so mad during it, the rest is kind of a blur. My head may explode. I'm just really frustrated because all we are getting are more questions. I thought we were going to start getting some answers. I also get more and more confused as our Islanders jump through time. I've stopped reading spoilers, so I can't tell you anything about next week's episode. I only hope it's better than this one...

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