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Friday, February 5, 2010

LOST: The Lie

Originally posted: January 29, 2009

The episode starts out with a lie. The Oceanic Six are on Penny's boat trying to corroborate their story. Of course, the wonderful Hurley doesn't want to lie about what went down on mystery Island. (This episode is so good. I guess I just love Hurley episodes. Even the appearance of Ana Luhoa couldn't ruin this one for me.) He tries to get Sayid to back him up and when Sayid says no, Hurley tells him, "You know what, dude? I'm going to remember this. And someday you're going to need my help and I'm telling you right now, you're not getting it." Flash to the present and Hurley is taking care of a drugged up/passed out Sayid. He gets pulled over my Ana Lucia's ghost who tells him what to do, to not get arrested (like she did in real life... ha ha ha) and that Libby says hi. Hurley goes to a convenience store and in a shout-out to super Bella, buys an I ♥ my Shih-Tzu shirt. Ha ha ha ha I was cracking up and immediately text Amanda Gayle! Hurley takes Sayid to his parents house to hide out from the cops and the bad guys after them. "Why there's a dead Pakistan on my couch?" - Mrs. Reyes exclaims when she comes home to chaos. So Hurley's dad takes off with Sayid to get him to Jack so Mr. Badass Ninja can get better. Hurley stays home with his mom and in one of the best Hurley scenes ever tells her all about what happened on the Island and how they've been lying ever since. I love this scene and it almost makes me cry. Poor Hugo just can't catch a break. I love his mom for telling him, "I believe you. I don't understand you, but I believe you." Now because Hurley called Jack, Ben knows where Hurley is. When Ben shows up Hurley is heating up a Hot Pocket and gets so scared that he throws the Hot Pocket at him. Ha ha ha Too freakin' funny. Since Hurley doesn't trust Ben and because Sayid told him to do the exact opposite of what Ben asks, Hurley runs out of the house and gets himself arrested. Uh-oh.. That can't be good.

In classic Lost fashion, as Sayid and Hurley drive away from the convenience store, Kate and Aaron pull into the parking lot. Sun's on the phone and wants to see Kate. They meet up and Kate tells Sun that men showed up wanting Aaron's blood. Sun advises her to get take care of the dudes. Sun seems all badass now. Talk about a woman scorned. Does she blame Kate for Jin's death? Or is really laying the blame with Jack? Because she immediately asks about him after telling Kate that it wasn't all the freighter business wasn't her fault. Maybe Sun's after Ben and Jack now. Good for her. Take 'em both out! One more question, why does she only have a baby picture of Ji-Yeon. That little girl would be 3 now. She doesn't have a more recent picture? I think that's weird...

Back on the Island, the gang is trying to start a fire when Frogurt/Neil gets shot with fire. The Losties split up and run on Sawyer's orders. Sawyer and Juliet (gag) run off together. They get stopped by two British soldier looking dudes. They've gotta be back in Widmore's time now. As one of the dudes is about to cut off Juliet's hand, a knife comes flying through the jungle and takes the guy out. Who is it? That's right, superhero Locke is here to save the day.. Old school Locke style. I still love that crazy dude. Now who are these crazy people? They're pre-Dharma, right? How many people actually know about this damn place? Maybe it's not the best kept secret..

In the present again, Ben and Jack are together. Ben flushes Jack's pills. Thank goodness. Gotta get that dude back on track if he's gonna be any use to anyone. In the hotel room, Ben unscrews a vent panel and pulls a bag out of the vent space and puts it into another bag, What's that about? What was in the bag? Ben tells Jack to pack up whatever he wants because he won't be coming back. Jack's ok with that. Ben goes to take care of Locke's body. He goes to an Others' butcher shop and asks the lady if things are going to according to plan and tells her she need to protect Locke. Why? What the heck is going on? Does Ben just need somewhere to keep John until they are all ready to return to the Island? Or are the butcher shop Others gonna send Locke back themselves? So confusing... After Ben looses Hurley, he goes to Mrs. Hawking. She's just determined the "Event Window." She tells Ben he has 70 hours. Is this the window of time when the past can actually be saved? Is this the window of time when they can get back to the Island? What the heck is going on? I know this woman has got to be Daniel's mom. Did you see her doing all that crazy physics stuff like he does? They've gotta be related. If Ben doesn't succeed in getting everyone ready in these 70 hours, "then God help us all." Gulp..

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