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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LOST: The Last Recruit

I know that this episode was a set up episode, a way to get our castaways in position for what is to come next. Because of this, I won't be too harsh on it. But I was kind of bored. There were a few amazing moments though, so I guess it all balances out.

"The Last Recruit" had a few OMG! moments. I love that Claire knows she and Jack are brother and sister. It was sweet when she told him it was nice to have family now. I was thrilled that Sun and Jin were FINALLY reunited. I started hyperventilating crying. Such a great moment! How cool was it that her English came back as soon as they hugged? Now that Sun has Jin again, she is complete. Another great scene was when Jack recognized Locke in the mirror in the OR. Could this be the moment he starts remembering his island self? I'm pretty excited that Jack has the chance to fix Locke now. I really enjoyed Flocke and Jack's chat at the beginning of the episode. It was very reminiscent of past Locke and Jack arguing about the island scenes. Flocke admitted to showing himself as Christian and said he did so to help Jack find water. Does this make him a good guy? He seems like he just really wanted to help Jack way back when. I've always thought the Smoke Monster could pose as dead people. Now I wonder though if he also showed up as Christian to Jack when he was off the island. Was it also Smokey as Christian on the freighter right before Michael died? I kind of feel like the writers are going to leave this as the only explanation for dead people randomly showing up because they are running out of time to explain it all. It made me sad when Flocke once again said he picked Locke because he was easily convinced that the island was special. Poor John.

In the sideways world, every one is starting to cross each other's past. I guess Sawyer and Kate aren't each other's constants. They didn't have a flash of memory when they saw each other. Then again, they didn't touch. So maybe the memories only come once they touch their constant. I really thought Sayid was going to get away and was disappointed in our ninja warrior when Sawyer took him down so easily. (Everyone can call Saywer, "James" and "Jim" to their hearts' content, but he will always be Sawyer to me!)Desmond was creepy following Claire around. Can't believe she didn't freak out on him. It was so not cool that Ilana was back too. I was really annoyed when Jack did not say his ex's name when he was on the phone with her. I have to know who is baby mama is!! Why the heck was Sun tripping out when she saw John on the stretcher next to her? Is she remembering the island and what a bad dude Flocke is? Help me with theories on this gang, because I've got nothing.

On the island, everyone has definitely chosen their sides. I did not appreciate Sun and Jin's reunion being interrupted by lil' Miss Tina Fey wannabe and her folks with big guns. Why does Widmore want these guys dead now? I'm so freakin' confused. I loved when Jack jumped off the boat. If he is staying on the island because the island is not done with him, does that mean Flocke is the good guy? Because he still has things for Jack to do? Or is Jack staying because it is his job to take down Flocke and save the day? "We're DONE going back, Kate!" - best line of the night. Good for you, Sawyer. I really thought crazy Claire was going to take Kate out. I sure hope someone kills Kate off soon. I don't think Sayid shot Desmond. At least I really really really hope he didn't. I adore Des. The very last scene with the bomb going off was crazy. Is Jack going to be ok? Flocke grabbed him and carried him off like Forrest grabbing up Bubba. When Flocke told Jack, "You're with me now," does that mean Jack is now claimed? Looks like Jack was the last recruit.

I've read online that someone is going to die and that fans are going to pretty upset about it. I am avoiding spoilers (for the most part), so I don't know who it will be. What is every one's guesses? No new Lost next week. I heard "Ab Aterno" will be replayed. This is so the show won't have to repeat again before the series finale. I've heard the next episode will be Jacob and Man in Black centric. I bet we'll get lots of answers!!


  1. I love that Claire told Jack they were brother and sister in the side timeline. In the normal time line Jack learns it first (or at least as far as we know) and in the side time line Claire does … VERY AIW/TTLG to me!

    I am IN LOVE with the fact that Jin and Sun finally had their reunion.

    I love that no matter what Jack’s going to fix Locke. He offered when they first landed and Locke wasn’t interested but guess what … YOU HAVE NO SAY LOCKE! You’re getting fixed whether you like it or not!


    I’m not sure it’s as simple as Good V. Bad.
    There are several things I’ve seen in the MIB and Jacob that make me think each are good and evil. But I do think that the MIB has the capability to do and be good.
    Showing them the water is a good example of it.

    But you also have to think … I really DON’T agree that the island doesn’t have a purpose for them (like he said). We can see its healing powers and how it keeps drawing people back … so with that being said – Old Smokey obviously DOES lie about stuff too.

    As far as the constants:
    I’m not sure they have to touch. Charlie touched Desmond and Libby touched Hurley but did Faraday touch Desmond? And even if – Charlie didn’t touch Claire … AND Charlie and Desmond aren’t each others constants but Charlie helped Desmond remember …

    I do think Sun freaking out was her remembering her island self and the fear she had for FLocke …

    Here’s a thought – do you think when they “remember” it’s their island self and the side timeline coming together at the right moment? Or are they taking place at two totally separate times? It seemed like they were colliding in the Desmond episode a few weeks ago.

    Maybe Widmore’s also got to abide by the rules and once the “special” people were separated from FLocke he was able to try to harm him????
    But then that doesn’t make much sense because Jack was still on the island with FLocke … hmmmmm

    If Kate doesn’t die soon I might … Please kill her … someone … anyone.

    I agree – there’s no way they would kill Desmond off without showing it … he’s too crucial to the story.

    I think maybe FLocke thinks Jack returned to be with him and that’s why he said that. But we have to keep in mind Jack jumped off the boat because he thinks he needs to stop the MIB. So maybe Jack’s got something up his sleeve.

    I whole heartedly believe Jin’s going to be killed off.
    Think about it … EVERYONE loves Jin so yea – everyone would be upset.
    He and Sun were SO in love in the beginning, they fell apart, the island got their love back, they got pregnant, were separated and now they’re back together … It’s the ironic ending a show like this would have.

    Bring on the Jacob and MIB episode … Bring. It. On.

  2. OMG! I didn't realize that next weeks episode is already going to be the Jacob/MIB episode. I thought that it was going to be episode 15 ... the one that everyone is saying doesn't have series regulars in it and I didn't think that we were already that close! WOW!! YAY!

    You freaking me out because you wrote Sayid and Kate not being constants and I was like "WHAT!??!?!" But, then I realized that you meant Nadia! -Phew-

    I REALLY hope that Kate dies. Maybe it IS Kate that's going to die. I mean, I think that for the most part everyone else likes her a lot and if anything, this could be some big Jack/Sawyer moment where they are super upset about Kate dying and that would make everyone cry. I mean seriously, we really need to get down to some deaths. Hugo said that people were going to start dropping like flies but I don't see any of that happening!

    I hope that Ilana comes back just one more time in the MIB/Locke episode so that we can know why she's in the full body cast.

    I think that that's exactly why Sun freaked out. I think that her island side is bleeding over. I did love that she started talking when Jin and her got back together ... I started screaming "They are each other's CONSTANT!"

    However, I was kind of disappointed in the reunion. I really wanted it to be way more romantic and epic. Like, I ALMOST wish that one of them would have been dying before they finally got back together and that would be a dear amazing moment between the two of them with TONS of tears from the fans.

    I started crying when Locke said "She's the girl I was going to marry" ... SO FREAKING SAD. I HATE seeing Locke hurt ... I can't say that enough. You guys, I still get all choked up thinking about the big reveal with Locke in the coffin. Saddest night of television EVER.

    So, I'm confused. It says 4 hours until the season finale ... so is that 4 more hours and THEN the 2 hour finale? Well, yeah I guess so because DUH Rachel there are 4 more weeks before the finale!

  3. There's no new episode next week, it's the week after.

    And she was talking about Sawyer and Kate.
    Amanda had hoped they were each other's constant but their interaction didn't spark a memory.

    If Kate's the "big" death I'm going to throw up.
    I pray she dies every week.
    I for one - will NOT be sad
