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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

LOST: Everyone Loves Hugo

"Kind of makes you think, doesn't it? Ilana. No sooner does she tell you who you are then she blows up. The island was done with her. Makes me wonder what is going to happen when it's done with us." Excellent point, Ben. Excellent episode. We got answers. We got Libby and Hurley's picnic. Love them! Oh and we got explosions! And death! Woo hoo!

I am much happier with the sideways timeline now that we know what it is. I loved that Pierre Chang (Miles' dad) narrated Hurley's award tribute. This was a cool nod to his Dharma orientation videos. I want Hurley's really cool T-Rex shaped award! Even though I knew Libby would be back in this episode, I was so excited to see her! When she and Hurley met up in the restaurant, I totally started crying, especially when Dr. Brooks came to get her. I loved that their sideways storyline mirrored their island one, where Libby helped Hurley when he thought he was crazy. This time he believes in her when she seems crazy. In this timeline Des is going to work by helping reconnect people. Thanks to his encouragement, Hurley decides to go see Libby. It was cool to see Hurley back at Santa Rosa without being a patient. Did you notice the island drawing on the chalkboard in the rec room? Creepy! When they were talking in the mental hospital, I kept yelling at Libby to touch Hurley (I was sure they could hear me) because that had to be the key to helping him remember. So Libby and Hurley finally got to have their picnic. Once Libby kissed him, Hurley remembered knowing her before. Of course, I teared up again. I love these two together. See everyone really does love Hugo!

Back on the island, things got even more interesting. "God help us if that thing ever leaves the island, because if it do.." BOOM! Bye bye stupid Ilana. I'm glad Jack didn't get a little Ilana on him.. like he got some Arnzt! Ha ha Michael's ghost appeared to tell Hurley that they shouldn't blow up the plane. So what's Hurley's new plan? Uh-oh, it's to pull a Locke by blowing up the Black Rock just like Locke blew up the submarine in season 3. So the group split into Team Hurley and Team Richard. I really liked the scene when Hurley confessed to Jack that he wasn't getting directions from Jacob. I liked it because Jack realized and admitted he had to let things go. He can't fix everything. I can proudly say I no longer think of Jack as a huge jerk (I've always been Team Locke, so me and Jack have had some serious issues.)

A few highlights from island time - I did not like the way Sayid ignored Sawyer and went straight to Flocke. I know the Sayid I loved is gone, but I still can't accept it. Sun's face when she didn't find Jin with Team Flocke was pretty sad. I knew Flocke was going to push Desmond down that damn well. Why didn't Des know it too?! What the hell is up with kiddo in the woods? It appears to be the same actor from the last time a kid showed up, but that kid was blonde and bloody. (Just checked IMDB.com and it's the same actor.) This kid had dark hair. Who the heck is he??!! Old Smokey's smile when he saw Jack was just plain creepy! He must be excited because he thinks his plan is falling all into place.

Finally dumbass Michael apologized for killing Libby. (I still give him props for taking out Ana Louhoa though.) The Whispers come from dead people who are trapped on the island. These spirits cannot move on because of the bad things they did in life. Does this mean every ghost Hurley sees is bad? If that's the case, then doesn't that make Jacob bad? Or is it just the ones who make the whispering noises before they appear? Can the whispering ghosts only show up on the island? He sees Mr.Eko and Charlie both off island. The Whispers have appeared before Walt before but as far as we've seen Walt isn't dead. I'm kind of confused about this whole thing. I think the show just wanted to give an answer for the Whispers and we're just supposed to accept it. But the Whispers appeared before Ben saw his mom when he was a little kid. Does that mean mom was a baddie too? I guess I'll just assume that was Old Smokey using Emily Linus' body to recruit Ben over to Team Other. Just like Old Smokey showed up as Yemi to Eko.

I think I figured out how Desmond is going to fix Flocke. Flocke has shown traces of John Locke already. This has to be original Locke bleeding over into Fake Locke. I think Des is going to talk to Flocke and somehow get Locke to come out in him. Locke's goodness will override Flocke's evilness. Desmond hit sideways John with his car so that John can have a near death experience and remember his island self. Hopefully when John starts to remember, he can start to overtake Flocke's spirit inside his body. I hope the writers know how much we love Locke and that the show cannot end with Old Smokey still in good old John's body!

Next week's episode is called "The Last Recruit" and is rumored to be a multi-centric one. I know it'll be a good one because the story is finally back on track and moving along quickly. FYI, the creepy music in next week's promo is from the original Willy Wonka. (Thanks, Yesenia for figuring that out!) It's "The Wonderous Boat Ride." The song Willy Wonka sings when they are traveling through that freaky tunnel. I just re-watched the clip and there was an eye close-up and crazy brainwashing looking stuff. How very Lost!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Did it actually say the dead people can't move on because they are bad? Or did it say they just can't move on and Michael couldn't move on because of what did? I was thinking that maybe they can't let go of their own issues and that's why they can't move on, not that they are bad. I could be wrong, what do you think?

    The Willy Wonka music from next week totally freaked me out! lol

  3. JOanna, I'd like to say that they can't move on because they have done something bad they can't let go of. At least that's my interpretation.

    And I SWEAR LOST = Willy WOnka and the Chocolate Factory, somehow, someway!

    I wish Hurley had told Libby that Michael had said sorry but he remembered for a split second about the previous life...sorry, Im getting all teary eyed thinking about Hurley and Libby.

    Amanda, now I'm thinking of T-Rex cookies for party too!!! :D

    GREAT episode. LOVE Hurley, I AM SOOOO getting my Hurley Bobblehead!

  4. OK so much good stuff going on here! Amanda - truly love your perspective on things! :-)

    So...I am enjoying how the two timelines seem to be converging and people are starting to remember. Desmond is the key for sure - so he must know all the members of Oceanic 815 that he needs to go see and help them remember. When will the island-selves become aware of the sideways selves though? I like your theory on how Des is trying to help Locke break back through to Flocke's consciousness.

    Okay - quick thought on the creepy kid. Since it's the same actor (and you KNOW they didn't do that by accident) and one time he had blond hair, and one time he had dark hair - I think he is somehow both Jacob and Smokey. Didn't we see him as blond kid after Jacob died? He had that creepy grin when Flocke saw him, so maybe that's his after-death self which is why Flocke seemed so freaked out.

    I don't think that the voices are of dead people who are bad. I think Joanna was right...it's just people who are stuck. Either they can't forgive themselves, or they just have some unfinished business. Hurley is their medium to help them finish up what needs to be done - wonder if they'll be able to move on (to wherever) once they get their message through to Hurley? And maybe Walt has been dead the whole time but everyone could see him? I don't know - just trying to figure out why the whispers appeared before him.

    Anyway, good episode! Can't wait to see how this all wraps up!

  5. umm, I loved how Desmond's food order was #42. Little things like that make me chuckle.

  6. Um, I seriously LOVED the new lost promo FOR REAL! Mainly because I LOVEEEEE Wonka!!!!

    It makes me sick to my stomach seeing Locke hurt :( It really does.

    And, I don't think that Des ran him over to give him a near death exp. I think that he ran him over because he knows that he'll become Flocke. Maybe it's hurting flocke somehow?

  7. @Joanna, I just assumed the Whispers were bad b/c Rousseau and some Others said to run whenever the castaways heard them. Also the Whispers usually started before something bad or scary happened - like Shannon getting shot or when Hurley was lost in the jungle and Jacob's house keep disappearing and reappearing. Y'all's Whisper idea makes more sense though (and will probably be the only explanation Lost gives), so I'm gonna listen to y'all. I swear I create more questions for myself! Ha ha The good thing about being stuck on the island for your sins is that once someone kills Ben (PLEASE SOMEONE KILL BEN!!) he will be stuck there forever b/c that dude has done some major evil!

    @Yesi, I am down for some T-Rex cookies!

    @Karie, yeah I was wondering if the boys could be Jacob and Smokey too. Or the kid could be anti-Flocke and smiled creepily when he saw Des b/c he knows Desmond will save the day! I love the idea of Hurley helping the spirits move on. If that's the case, then I bet he will help Jack and his dad make some kind of connection, then Christian will be able to move on.

    @Tiffany, I loved that too!

    @Rachel, I hate seeing Locke get hurt too. I read something today that said Des ran over Locke so he will die and Flocke won't be able to use his body. IDK.

  8. Oh and is Jack ever going to tell Claire she is his sister? Because she totally still doesn't know...

  9. I love your Blog Amanda, and re-watched the promo for next week. CREEPY, I hope Sayid does not kill Desmond. But who is he shooting. And there is more Kabooms! lol!

  10. @Sofia, Sayid better NOT be shooting Desmond! Maybe he is shooting at some of Widmore's folks. I'm pretty excited about more KABOOMS!!

  11. Ok so I can't beleive none of you picked up on this but cliff and I don't think that was really Michael at all, but flocke trying to trick hurley which totally worked and caused him to bring the exact people he needed to his camp. Flocke has been other ghosts before, or so we think, he was Christian when Claire left Aaron and led her to the cabin, we think he has been other ghosts as well, although there are good ghosts too but they don't show up w/whispers. Also the first part of the wonks song references the 7 layers of hell, that's the part the started it at, interesting. I knew what it was right away btw, so creepy. And walt is alive they showed him at school, real Locke saw him on the street.

  12. @ Mandy, Flocke can't change his body anymore ... so he can't be Michael. Ilana told us that in one of the first episodes. I think that he can't change his body any more because he's killed Jacob.

  13. AND. I've had an epiphany!

    Since you say that the boy is the same boy (same actor from IMDB) except that in the first episode he has blonde hair and in the last episode he has brown ... I think that Jacob and MIB are one in the same. Dark and Light ... Ying and Yang if you will. Split personalities? The Angel and Devil on your shoulder, etc.

    And if this is the case ... then of course MIB can't kill Jacob because he'd have to kill himself. But, if he could convince someone else to do it then maybe he could just kill that one half of him ... kind of like a dr. giving medicine to keep one personality under control?


  14. I am devastated I’m just getting to this because I feel like there’s so much I wanted to say but it’s already been discussed, thought of or whatever.
    Stupid Tax Season.

    Anyways …

    I recognized Pierre Chang’s voice right off the bat. That was exciting. Joey’s really good at that stuff so when I notice first I get excited.
    I did notice the chalkboard (probably because I spend 90% of the side time lines looking for stuff like that and not really listening to what’s going on.) I need to make a mental note to multi task better.

    I hated Ilana so I’m super excited she got blown up.
    She was dumb anyways.
    But on a more than I just hated her note – I was SO surprised by it! (Even though I shouldn’t have been because right before I made a comment about her walking around with that stuff in her bag when they made such a big deal of how unstable it was in the earlier seasons)

    PS – Jack still sucks – he just isn’t as annoying now.

    O man – I keep forgetting where Jin is and when they showed Sun’s face I started screaming “Where’s Jin?!?!?!?!!” Phillip had to calm me down.

    I totally saw Des getting pushing into the well coming up and yea – Des really was a slacker on that one don’t you think. If some creepy guy takes you out into the wilderness alone and starts showing you a well – YOU BACK UP!

    I think I’m going to have to go with Joanna on the whispers. I think they can’t move on and it’s probably because of the bad things they’ve done but I wouldn’t say all the people are “bad”. Just that they did something they don’t regret or didn’t repent for maybe????

    Also – they can appear off island. Didn’t they show up to Jack when he was all drunk in the hospital that time? Right before he saw his dad?

    I like your theory of Desmond fixing FLocke like everyone else and Joey, Phillip and Meghan think that’s right. But it NEVER occurred to me he was trying to fix him. I immediately thought he was trying to kill him to stop what he would become. I mean – let’s get real – running over someone at a pretty fast speed is a dangerous way to do NEAR death right? There’s a REALLY large chance that’s going to go all the way. I think if he was trying to show him he could have found a much safer way than a hit and run.

    I for one am REALLY sad you didn’t notice the Willy Wonka song as soon as it started. I started freaking out like 4 words in because I thought it was GENIUS! But then again – you’re not a big Wonka fan.

    I wish you still lived at home so I could get credit for stuff like that.

    I can see the similarities of Wonk and LOST – but I’m staying true that if it’s mirrored after anything it’s got to be Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass.

    I like the theory that the kid’s the dead self – but I LOVE Rachel’s theory. What are your thoughts on that?

    As far as Ben being stuck on the island when he dies – yea – it’ll probably happen. And I’m sure it’s supposed to be a punishment but that’s probably what he wants anyways. He loved that stupid island and never wanted to leave in the first place.

    Mandy – I think your theory is possible. And a pretty good one. But I think since they used him to explain the whispers – chances are that was real. Hopefully they know better than to give us EVEN more questions and not answers at this point.
    *O – I’m just seeing Rachel’s comment to this and that’s another reason it was most likely actually Michael.

    Once again – I really like Rachel’s idea on FLocke and Jacob. :)

  15. @Rachel, the MiB & Jacob being one is a really good theory. It would make sense b/c the light and dark theme has been so prevalent the whole series.

    @Amanda, I don't understand how they can show up off island if they are trapped on the island. I kinda think the writers are just throwing things together and we're just supposed to accept it. There are so many things that we are never going to get answers to and that frustrates me.

    I didn't recognize the Willy Wonka song b/c I HATE Willy Wonka and especially the creepy on a boat part.
