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Thursday, March 18, 2010

LOST: Recon

The best thing I can say about this episode is that it was a Sawyer episode. Woo hoo! Hot, shirtless, cop Sawyer! I continue to be frustrated with this show though.

The sideways timeline is boring. The point of them needs to be revealed soon. It better be something amazing. And it had better be worth putting up with these yawn inducing moments. I liked Sawyer as a cop. I liked that he and Miles were partners. I liked seeing Sawyer watching "Little House." Ha ha ha I didn't like that Charlotte was back. Yuck! (P.S. Are we getting NO Faraday this season?! I guess dead really is dead.) Charlotte works with Miles' dad at a museum. So that means Pierre Chang/Marvin Candle/Edgar Halifax stayed with his family and sideways Miles grew up with his dad. Sawyer's parents still died and Anthony Cooper is still to blame. Maybe this world is the world where Jacob touched the castaways. The island timeline could be what happened without Jacob's touch. The only problem with that theory is that Hurley and Sayid were both touched after the plane crash... Since Sawyer is a cop, he was being genuinely concerned when he told Hurley to be careful about telling people how much money Hurley is worth. Though I am confused why Sawyer helped Kate escape at the airport. That's not a very cop thing to do.

The island storyline aggravated me. More new characters?! REALLY?! At least we learned they worked for Widmore. I'm glad Widmore has finally arrived on the island. I think this will help the story progress more quickly. So Sawyer tells Flocke one thing and Widmore another, but ultimately all he wants is the submarine. He's gonna take him and Kate off the island. I loved when he visited the cages and held her dress. He still loves Kate! Eff Juliet! Crazies moment of the night - Sayid sitting there calmly while Claire attacked Kate. That is so not like our ninja Sayid! I guess the infection has completely taken him over. I love Claire, but I still liked the part when Flocke slapped her. That was unexpected. It was cool that we got some Flocke backstory about his crazy mom. But that only brings up more questions too. New major question of the week: What/who is in the locked room on the submarine? Hopefully, it's Desmond!!!

Next week's Lost looks promising. I am so excited that Richard Alpert is getting his own episode. I also gave up and read several Lost spoilers. (I just can't handle not knowing stuff.) It seems like some good stuff will be coming up. There are only 8 episodes of Lost left...


  1. I think Sawyer as a good guy is boring. But I am also interested in why he helped Kate. I said something to Joey about it as soon as we knew he was “good”.
    I think it’s his “island” seeping through like we’ve seen with some of the others and obviously he somehow feels a connection to her.

    Charlotte’s gross and Faraday’s really gone. Both of these things suck.

    It did not even occur to me that there was a reason Sawyer asked what was in the locked room?!?! It’s got to be Desmond. If it’s not – where the hell has he been all season!

    I’m super pumped about next week. It better not suck like the last two weeks have.

  2. That makes sense, Sawyer's island self could have seeped through so he'd help Kate. Maybe he just felt an uncontrollable urge to help her b/c he loooves her!

    I read we're getting a Desmond episode. Those are always the best. So even if he isn't in the room, we'll still get some Des/Penny answers.

  3. I'm way looking forward to the Desmond epsiode FOR REAL.
    I so didn't even notice Liam's namesake in this episode ... but apparently he was there bailing out Charlie.
    I wanted to lick Sawyer's hot hot hot body when he put that badge on OOO LAH LAH!

    I'm actually super glad that he was a good guy. I never really understood why he hated Anthony Cooper for being a con man and yet he was a con man ... so I like this story line too.

    Charlotte gross. Give me Juliet! I know I know that you hate her ... but I HATE Kate ... and Juliet really grew on me this last season.

  4. Joey noticed Liam ASAP. He's like Amanda and is pretty good at that.

    As far as C. v. J. I don't like either but felt it should have been Juliet too.

  5. i have no idea what is going on in Lost, but http://bit.ly/d0TUME
