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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

LOST: Ab Aeterno

BEST EPISODE OF SEASON 6 SO FAR!!! I love love love Richard Alpert! We got answers! We didn't have to sit through another lame sideways story. We got 6 extra minutes of the show! HUR RAH!

We finally got Richard's back story. We now know the statue was broken by the Black Rock. This was a cool way to answer two questions at once. The island exists to serve as a cork, as a way to keep pure evil out of the rest of the world. This is what I've been waiting for.. answer, answer, answer!

This episode had several scenes where previous episodes dialogue was repeated. When the Man in Black freed Richard he told him it was good to see him out of chains. Just like he did as Flocke at the beginning of this season. Also the part where Richard talks about them all being dead and in hell is just like when Anthony Cooper told Locke they were in hell. The trippest scene repeat was when MIB told Richard he had to stab Jacob with the dagger before Jacob spoke. It's word for word what Dogen told Sayid to do to MIB/Flocke/Old Smokey (whatever you want to call him.) It made me wonder if Jacob and the MIB switched places somehow. Or maybe they can both only be killed the same way. Or maybe not because Jacob did talk before Ben stabbed him..

It looks like our friend Sayid is really gone. It was sad when he told Flocke he couldn't feel anything at all anymore. I liked the "Ghost" moment when Hurley spoke for Isabella to Richard. I'm glad we got to see what Jacob told Ilana her job on the island would be. It was also cool to see Jacob assign Richard his role as island go-between. This makes me question how much Richard knows about the island though. It doesn't seem like Jacob gave him much guidance. That sucks because then Richard is no better than Ben, who just did stuff because he was told to but without any real understanding of why or what was going on. Richard must have gained island knowledge just by residing on it.. Oh and from being 140 years old! I've always assumed Alpert had ALL the island answers though.

I still wonder why Widmore has come to the island. Is he Team Jacob or Team Flocke? Is he there to try to take Jacob's place?

I read one recap that mentioned how Richard looked directly at Jack and said, "You're dead," which seemed to indicate that specifically Jack was dead. Then Richard said that they were all dead and in hell, but I think the Jack look could have been significant. I've always thought Jack's "he walks among us, but is not one of us" tattoo was important. I also think that someone we have always viewed as a good guy is going to be revealed as a big bad guy. (It's the only significance I can find in the Nikki and Paulo episode. Nikki was on a tv show where her boss, who was the show's hero, ended up being the bad guy behind the whole deal. That was there to tell us something!) Plus, David and I have long held the theory that Jack was not in the plane crash. He wakes up so far from everyone else and he says that he blacked out and woke up there. Anthony Cooper also mentions blacking out and then all of the sudden he was on the island. Anthony was brought by the Others to the island. Maybe Jack has been dead this whole time. So I think somewhere down the line we're gonna learn Jack's not a good guy. Thoughts?

Next week is a Sun and Jin episode. We better get their happy reunion! We've only been waiting forever for it!


  1. Amanda - I love your blog! You are always so much more insightful than I am so I get new perspective from you. I think the good guy/bad guy switch is going to be Jacob/MIB (although that's the rather obvious choice). But I hadn't thought about Jack. He's on the plane in the flash sideways thing - and we saw him get on the plane the first time around, right? With his dad's coffin. So I'm not sure about questioning that he wasn't on the plane. So much of the show seemed to be primarily from Jack's point of view (in my opinion - but again I'm not as observant ;-) that I can imagine there is some pivotal shift related to him. But bad guy? That would seriously rock my perception of him. He seemed to be fighting for the "right thing" for so long - but maybe he lost his way?

    I'm totally rambling! You make my head spin - in a good way! :-)

  2. NOOO! I heart jack. No way is he bad!!!

  3. I LOVE that we now know why la isla (bonita – hehe) HAS to exist.
    I saw Kristen post this earlier in the season and it’s been killing me ever since.

    I was also VERY confused when The MIB was telling Richard how to kill Jacob. At first I thought they had switched bodies at some point and that was the only way to kill whatever was in Jacob’s body at the time (but is currently in FLocke’s) but then I got to thinking and I think it’s just because they’re both so persuasive. I think whoever is sending someone to kill them knows if they open their mouths they’ll be able to talk them out of it (as seen with Sayid AND Richard).

    I think (and it’s sad – but true) Richard’s no better than Ben OR Locke OR Hurley. These are all players in the game who are no more than simple pawns.
    They do as their told BECAUSE they’re told. No questions or real proof needed to believe what they’re doing is right and necessary.
    I wonder if the game Risk has anything to do with pawns. If so that would be a link back to them always talking about or playing it.

    Widmore bores me. I hope his story gets more interesting ASAP.
    But he must be AGAINST The MIB because that’s who keeps having all the hostility towards him right?

    But then again – he told Locke he HAD to go back to the island or the WRONG side would win. This could go two ways:
    Widmore either knew he could beat The MIB if he was Locke so he was setting all this up, OR (as you and I have discussed several times), Jacob is the WRONG (not necessarily bad, but probably so) side and Locke needed to carryout The MIB’s plan.

    ORRRRRRRRRRRRR – Maybe Jacob isn’t WRONG and Widmore is (just because he said they shouldn’t win doesn’t make it the truth).
    AHHHHHHHHHH! Brain overload.

    My thoughts are that I HATE that pompous ass Jack and so him being bad isn’t a far reach for me at all. But I do think you’re right – something’s never been right about him.

  4. Karie, I'm so glad you love my blog! So I don't have a complete explanation for my "Jack wasn't in the plane crash theory." We did see him on the plane, but he woke up so far in the jungle and away from everyone else. He also told Kate he blacked out before the plane crashed. He's the only castaway who has said this. I think he may have flashed out of the plane. Like the way he, Kate and Hurley flashed off Aijia flight 316. Or like the way Desmond has flashed through time. I've seen the pilot episode about 15 times, so I may be over analyzing it by now. From the opening scene it seems like Jack already knows what is going on.. Like he has a "I've been here before look."

    I'm not a big Jack fan. Up until last season (when he wouldn't help Ben after he got shot by Sayid), I thought he was a douche. He's gotten better since then. Maybe I just want him to be bad because of my dislike. Maybe bad isn't even really what I mean. I just think we're going to get some big reveal about Jack that we never expected and it's going to be something that sets him apart from the rest of the crash survivors.

    Yeah, the MIB/Jacob killing thing made me wonder about a body switch too. But I think you're right about them just being persuasive, so the goal is to kill 'em before they can change someone's mind.

    Widmore helping Locke is what confuses me about what side he's on. There was no way Widmore could know that Ben was going to kill Locke though, so maybe Widmore just wanted Locke to go back b/c Locke is a candidate. I think Ms. Hawking was just trying to get the candidates back to the island and that's why it had to be ALL of them going back. So that would put her on Team Jacob. It seems like her and Widmore don't get along anymore, so maybe he is Team Flocke. Idk.. I just want some action and death to start happening. Although, no one better hurt one curly head on Hurley's head! I bet Sawyer dies though.. You know he's gotta prove he's the hero type now.

  5. So, if the island is the cork holding all of the evil in ... when the "cork" has been submerged/sunken does that mean that all of the evil is out now? We've got these sideways stories ... they have to add up to something ... so even though it seems like everyone's life is just a little better, maybe it's not?

    I loved this last episode and I can't WAIT for tonight to see how Jin and Sun work out!
