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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LOST: The Package

Whew.. I really want this whole Lost story to go differently. I have no idea what this episode accomplished. I was happy that Desmond appeared. But come on, I realized he was behind that sub door two weeks ago when we first saw it. (Or I thought maybe it was Ji Yeon.) It always kills me when the "big reveal" of the episode is underwhelming. Oh and how annoying was the stupid V countdown on the bottom right hand side of the screen??! I don't watch V, ABC, so make it go away!

I am sick of the sideways timeline. I want it to be gone. Sun and Jin weren't married yet in this one and had to hide their love. It seems Sun's dad is a jerkface in either timeline. We found out how Jin got in Keamy's fridge and what happened after Sayid found Jin. The only cool part of this timeline was that good old Other one-eyed Mikhail appeared. It was pretty badass when Jin shot Mikhail in the eye. That's for killing Charlie, you bastard! My main problem with the sideways stories is that the stories are never completed in that given hour. This is frustrating because that means the story will have to be completed in another episode. In another episode that could be giving us answers to amazing island and original Lost questions. I want everything to be wrapped up in a big pretty bow and it just doesn't seem like that is going to happen. Cool question that Yesenia posed tonight - Could the sideways timeline have happened before the plane crashed? I don't have an explanation for how this would work, but it seems like a cool idea. After all, we did see Mikhail lose his eye..

Meanwhile back on the island, we still didn't get a Kwon reunion. There was some cool stuff happening over here though. I loved the moment when Jin saw the pics of Ji Yeon (this was also super nice of Widmore). I started crying like a baby. Now I'm afraid Jin is going to die before he can get back to Sun. It was super awesome to see Room 23 (where Alex, Sawyer and Kate rescued Karl in season 3) and the crazy brainwashing stuff. - "We are the causes of our own suffering." I have to say as a Lost fan I relate to this. I suffer from frustration because I cannot stop watching this show, which cause me immense aggravation, therefore causing my own suffering! AAH!! - It was good to have Richard back with a plan. Now that Flocke has gone to speak to Widmore, it seems the battle is about to begin. Widmore seems like he is a good guy, even though he had Jin kidnapped. He doesn't want MIB to get off the island. Guess he'll be working Alpert just like the good old days.

This episode echoed so many moments from past episodes. Sun in her garden again, Sun only being able to speak Korean but understanding English (like Jin in the early seasons), Sun having to write down things like Locke in season 3 when he couldn't talk after the hatch blew, Sayid leaving Jin to wiggle out of the tape like when Locke left Boone all tied up or anytime Kate has been stuck in some dang handcuffs, Jack promising another promise that he probably can't keep, Widmore demanded "the package" from the sub just like Ben demanding "the man from Tallahassee," the gang being attacked with darts and someone getting dragged off... How very Other.

I do have a love/hate relationship with Lost. I love that it always leaves me wanting more. I hate that it always leaves me wanting more. At least the show always gets a reaction out of me. Even when the show disappoints me, I anxiously await the following Tuesday because I continue to have hope in the show. Next week is a Desmond episode. My heart is singing because Des episodes are among my favorite. "Flashes Before Your Eyes" and "The Constant" are both filled with OMG moments. Here's hoping our last Desmond episode gives some big answers! Des and Penny can't disappoint!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yep, I'm a LOST nerd

I seen a bunch of really funny and cool fan-made Lost videos in the past few days. I just had to share them.

Because as David pointed out, the island is obviously the Hellmouth. We just need Buffy to come rough up Flocke and everything will be all good.

What if Miles and Sawyer had their own cop show??!

Lost + Superbad = HILARIOUS!

Sawyer and his nicknames..


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

LOST: Ab Aeterno

BEST EPISODE OF SEASON 6 SO FAR!!! I love love love Richard Alpert! We got answers! We didn't have to sit through another lame sideways story. We got 6 extra minutes of the show! HUR RAH!

We finally got Richard's back story. We now know the statue was broken by the Black Rock. This was a cool way to answer two questions at once. The island exists to serve as a cork, as a way to keep pure evil out of the rest of the world. This is what I've been waiting for.. answer, answer, answer!

This episode had several scenes where previous episodes dialogue was repeated. When the Man in Black freed Richard he told him it was good to see him out of chains. Just like he did as Flocke at the beginning of this season. Also the part where Richard talks about them all being dead and in hell is just like when Anthony Cooper told Locke they were in hell. The trippest scene repeat was when MIB told Richard he had to stab Jacob with the dagger before Jacob spoke. It's word for word what Dogen told Sayid to do to MIB/Flocke/Old Smokey (whatever you want to call him.) It made me wonder if Jacob and the MIB switched places somehow. Or maybe they can both only be killed the same way. Or maybe not because Jacob did talk before Ben stabbed him..

It looks like our friend Sayid is really gone. It was sad when he told Flocke he couldn't feel anything at all anymore. I liked the "Ghost" moment when Hurley spoke for Isabella to Richard. I'm glad we got to see what Jacob told Ilana her job on the island would be. It was also cool to see Jacob assign Richard his role as island go-between. This makes me question how much Richard knows about the island though. It doesn't seem like Jacob gave him much guidance. That sucks because then Richard is no better than Ben, who just did stuff because he was told to but without any real understanding of why or what was going on. Richard must have gained island knowledge just by residing on it.. Oh and from being 140 years old! I've always assumed Alpert had ALL the island answers though.

I still wonder why Widmore has come to the island. Is he Team Jacob or Team Flocke? Is he there to try to take Jacob's place?

I read one recap that mentioned how Richard looked directly at Jack and said, "You're dead," which seemed to indicate that specifically Jack was dead. Then Richard said that they were all dead and in hell, but I think the Jack look could have been significant. I've always thought Jack's "he walks among us, but is not one of us" tattoo was important. I also think that someone we have always viewed as a good guy is going to be revealed as a big bad guy. (It's the only significance I can find in the Nikki and Paulo episode. Nikki was on a tv show where her boss, who was the show's hero, ended up being the bad guy behind the whole deal. That was there to tell us something!) Plus, David and I have long held the theory that Jack was not in the plane crash. He wakes up so far from everyone else and he says that he blacked out and woke up there. Anthony Cooper also mentions blacking out and then all of the sudden he was on the island. Anthony was brought by the Others to the island. Maybe Jack has been dead this whole time. So I think somewhere down the line we're gonna learn Jack's not a good guy. Thoughts?

Next week is a Sun and Jin episode. We better get their happy reunion! We've only been waiting forever for it!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

LOST: Recon

The best thing I can say about this episode is that it was a Sawyer episode. Woo hoo! Hot, shirtless, cop Sawyer! I continue to be frustrated with this show though.

The sideways timeline is boring. The point of them needs to be revealed soon. It better be something amazing. And it had better be worth putting up with these yawn inducing moments. I liked Sawyer as a cop. I liked that he and Miles were partners. I liked seeing Sawyer watching "Little House." Ha ha ha I didn't like that Charlotte was back. Yuck! (P.S. Are we getting NO Faraday this season?! I guess dead really is dead.) Charlotte works with Miles' dad at a museum. So that means Pierre Chang/Marvin Candle/Edgar Halifax stayed with his family and sideways Miles grew up with his dad. Sawyer's parents still died and Anthony Cooper is still to blame. Maybe this world is the world where Jacob touched the castaways. The island timeline could be what happened without Jacob's touch. The only problem with that theory is that Hurley and Sayid were both touched after the plane crash... Since Sawyer is a cop, he was being genuinely concerned when he told Hurley to be careful about telling people how much money Hurley is worth. Though I am confused why Sawyer helped Kate escape at the airport. That's not a very cop thing to do.

The island storyline aggravated me. More new characters?! REALLY?! At least we learned they worked for Widmore. I'm glad Widmore has finally arrived on the island. I think this will help the story progress more quickly. So Sawyer tells Flocke one thing and Widmore another, but ultimately all he wants is the submarine. He's gonna take him and Kate off the island. I loved when he visited the cages and held her dress. He still loves Kate! Eff Juliet! Crazies moment of the night - Sayid sitting there calmly while Claire attacked Kate. That is so not like our ninja Sayid! I guess the infection has completely taken him over. I love Claire, but I still liked the part when Flocke slapped her. That was unexpected. It was cool that we got some Flocke backstory about his crazy mom. But that only brings up more questions too. New major question of the week: What/who is in the locked room on the submarine? Hopefully, it's Desmond!!!

Next week's Lost looks promising. I am so excited that Richard Alpert is getting his own episode. I also gave up and read several Lost spoilers. (I just can't handle not knowing stuff.) It seems like some good stuff will be coming up. There are only 8 episodes of Lost left...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

LOST: Dr. Linus

So, I really do not have much to say about this episode of Lost. It was better than last week, that is for sure, but it's not an episode that I cared much about.

I was very disappointed that Ilana did not kill Ben. Ben has been such a monster, that I think he is beyond redemption. He did the right thing by choosing Alex over himself in the sideways timeline, but I still don't like him. It does not make him a better person. Even if he's shown to be the good guy at the end of Lost, I'll still never like him. I loved watching how scared Ben was to be tied up and digging his own grave. That was pretty awesome.

I am glad we finally got some Richard Alpert answers. He did come over on the Black Rock and he and Jack can't die yet. The Island must still have "work" for them to do. Richard said he can't kill himself because Jacob touched him and cursed him. Does that mean all the castaways that Jacob touched can't die yet too? Amanda emailed that Jin must be one of the candidates (you know, because the debate is if Kwon is Sun or Jin) and that is why he didn't die when the freighter blew up. I love that idea!

The scene when Team Ilana was on the beach and Jack, Hurley and Richard came around the corner totally made me cry. It was such a classic season 1 reunion episode ending scene. Aah.. I miss the good old Lost days.

I don't know anything about next week's episode. I am starting to panic because there are only 9 episodes left. EEK!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

LOST: Sundown

Well, I was wrong and this week was not a Sun and Jin episode. We got a Sayid one instead. I normally love me some Sayid, but this episode was just okay. "Sundown" did get pretty crazy at the end though and that was cool.

Sideways Sayid is not with Nadia. Sadly, she is married to his brother. This was really disappointing. It's good that Nadia is still alive in this one, but what's the point if she can't be with Sayid? This flash was boring, so I'm not spending much time on it. Especially because any questions I ask are not going to get answered. The Lost writers must think the viewers enjoy being strung along with more randomness. I was not expecting Keamy to show up again, so that was a surprise when he was revealed as Omar's loan shark. I love that sideways Sayid is still a badass and killed old white trash Keamy face. Jack was in the hospital hallway and Jin showed up in the closet. So the island folks continue to show up in each other's lives.

At least a few things got answered in Sayid's island timeline. Dogen told Sayid that he killed his son in a drunk driving accident and Jacob gave him a chance to save his son by coming to the island. Since Dogen's son got to live if Dogen left, this must be mean the two separate timelines always exist. Jacob must seek out people who are seeking redemption or looking to correct past mistakes to come to the island. Dogen also talked about the good and evil in everyone and how one side outweighs the otehr. I guess that explains the white and black rocks on the scale.

Old Smokey didn't die when Sayid stabbed him. I didn't see any blood on the dagger when Flocke handed it back to Sayid. So Flocke is invincible and bloodless? And he's evil incarnate? Dang, I was still pulling for Flocke to be the good guy. The coolest part of the hour was when Old Smokey let loose and started killing everyone in the Temple. When he passed over Kate, she got a calm look on her face. Has Flocke managed to pull her to his side? I always knew her evil outweighed her good. It looks like loony Clairousseau is going to kill Kate. I'm glad we got some Miles time because I love him!

Lost seems to just repeat itself over and over again. Sayid and Flocke's interaction in the jungle was very Locke and Ben. Remember when Ben asked Locke what if he could have anything he wanted (via the box) in season 3? Remember Ben saying whoever was coming on the freighter wanted everyone one the island dead in season 4? Remember the Others instructing Hurley to deliver a message at the end of season 2?

I liked the end with the Temple destruction because things are finally starting to happen. People are choosing sides (Miles with Team Lapidus and Kate with Team Flocke) which means that some action is going to start. The big battle that this has all been leading up to is finally beginning. I'm ready for some people to start dying. I figured Lost's final season would have a higher body count. Next week's episode is called "Dr. Linus." Ben-centric = boo There are only 10 episodes of Lost left. I sure hope some awesome stuff starts happening.