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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

LOST: Across the Sea

WTH? Seriously... WTH? I should be more enlightened, but I am only more confused. Can someone please explain tonight's Lost to me? The island is there to protect the sparkly light? The light causes the electromagnetic pulses? How is Man in Black walking around and talking to Jacob later if his skeleton is chilling in the cave? Who finished the frozen donkey wheel, since MiB was killed and all his people we killed too? Where did the twins' psycho "mom" come from?

I am glad we found out who Adam and Eve are. I'm bummed that it's not Rose and Bernard or any other set of Losties. That theory about Jacob and MiB being brothers turned out to be true. Man in Black still doesn't have a name. No wonder he gets pissed off and turns into the Smoke Monster! So did MiB become Smokey because Jacob threw him in the water? I have no clue what it is going on with this show and I am done trying to figure it out.

The more I think about tonight's episode the more frustrated I get. There are so many Lost questions that are never going to be answered. I've been a loyal viewer for 5 years and I feel like I'm getting screwed. The writers have been stringing us along all this time. Every episode creates more questions. I'm too mad to even write any more. I probably won't blog for next week's episode or for the finale. What would be the point? Lost is never going to give me what I want. I am ready for Lost to end, but I know that come May 24th, I'll still be heartbroken.


  1. I'm under-whelmed by last night's episode as well. I'm guessing that MIB is never going to get a name and that's just going to be. Aaron thinks because there is no real reason or mythology behind his name so it won't matter either way ... it'd be even worse if he were like "Hey Steve ..." after all this time when he hasn't had a name.

    I'd like to know the time period of the "mother" and them. It seems to have been before they constructed the statue of Anubis.

    When Ben goes down into the Smoke Monster's temple to ask the monster for forgiveness, there is a picture of the smoke monster talking to Anubis (God of the Underworld). So, maybe that river leading into the golden light is the river styx? (sp?) Jacob killed him and sent him down the river and instead of being dead he's turned into the God of the Underworld and then we have Jacob as the God of the island? Or the God of the Living?

    There were SOOOO many biblical references. Like MIB saying that it was easy for Jacob to think that the people were good when he was looking down on them from above. Or, drinking the wine. So, I can see why they had the "Lost Supper" picture, I guess.

    I'm guessing that MIB is still able to use his body because Smokey can use any body that's dead. We haven't seen MIB as anything but Smokey once they found the skeleton's. So, I'm guessing that that is one of the main reasons that he needed the dead body's as well. He couldn't use his own anymore because it had decayed too much?

    I don't get why their "mother" was so against "man." And how long had she been there guarding the island? Who told her to guard it?

    I'm guessing that the smoke monster as the MIB convinced other occupants to continue building the Donkey Wheel because once he figured out a way to kill the guardian he was going to need a way off the island.

    So, this makes me wonder if Flocke doesn't need the airplane or the sub to get off the island ... he just needs to be able to use the donkey wheel.

    Who really knows.

  2. They better give us answers by the end or fans will murder the writers in outrage and I will kill myself out of frustration
