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Friday, February 5, 2010

LOST: The Little Prince

Originally posted: Feb 5, 2009

in! Jin! Jin! Jin! Rousseau! Could I be any more excited?! Lost is about to get sooooo good!

"The Little Prince" was a Kate episode. Normally, I groan and moan about anything Kate-centric, but this was a good episode. After talking to Sun, Kate decides to go to the lawyer to try to find out who's trying to take Aaron. So David and I spend half of the hour trying to decide who we after Aaron. Theory #1 - Claire's mom - too obvious.. Even when she shows up and Jack goes to confront her, I knew it had to be too convenient. The poor woman has no clue that her daughter may still be alive and her grandson is alive and well. Theory #2 - Jack - he's blood related to Aaron and he could be trying to take him to manipulate Kate back on the island, but he loooves Kate too much to try to hurt her. Gag. Theory #3 - Ben! Duh, why did we think it would be anyone else? Of course Ben's using Aaron to lure Kate back to the island. He truly is the master manipulator.. Bastard.

So Sun's in LA for a reason, right? Her package with the Ben & Jack pictures, candy and gun was super weird. Is she after Ben or Jack? Or just Ben? Or Just Jack (2000!)? She told Widmore that they both want Ben dead. So is that her ultimate plan? As soon as Kate left Aaron with Sun, I knew something crazy was about to happen. Sun's not going to give up Aaron easily. Sun isn't the Sun we know on the island. She's new badass angry Sun. (I don't know how I know she's badass. I guess it's just a feeling.) I can't wait to find out what she's up to.

Who's still proving he's a badass? Oh yeah, tat's Sayid. I want Sayid to have his own show where he just kicks ass all day long and does a bunch of ninja moves. I don't need a plot. I just need Sayid being awesome. So while in the hospital, some "nurse" comes in to give Sayid medicine/darts from a gun. What does our ninja friend do? He attacks the bad guy with his IV. Talk about being resourceful. Once the bad dude is knocked out, Jack and Sayid find Kate's address in the bad dude's pocket. So who sent this dude? Was it Sun? Is she trying to stop Ben from getting everyone back together? Was it Ben himself? Once again trying to force Sayid back to the island by making him be constantly under attack? Is it Widmore? I wish someone would tell us soon!

Hurely's ok. He's in LA county lock-up and Ben's lawyer says Hurley be getting out soon. Will he be headed to dock #23 too? Is the whole gang going to sail quietly back to the island? I still think if everyone means everyone, then Lapidus and Desmond have to go back too. Or was their "work" already done?

Back on island time, things got interesting! OMG! OMG! I was yelling so much throughout this episode that David made me move to the other side of the couch because he feared for his eardrums.

- Jin is alive and time looping with the other Losties! I did a "It's Jin! It's Jin! It's Jin!" dance for about ten minutes. Not only is he alive, but he's back in time with preggers Rousseau! Are we going to get her back story now? YAY! YAY! YAY! Thank goodness Jin learned some English, otherwise he'd be screwed hanging out with all those Frenchies. I'm so exctied to see what we learn from the Jin/Rosseau experience. How freakin' cool is Lost?! (For a re-enactment of my "It's Jin! It's Rousseau! It's Jin!" dance, come by anytime and we'll re-watch the episode together and I shall dance.)

- Charlotte wakes up and seemed to be ok, except she has a few memory problems. Juliet tries to get Daniel to explain what's happening to them. He claims "really bad jet lag." He does tell Miles that it could be caused by something about exposure... Exposure to what? Time travel? Time on the island? Charlotte's an island native, so she's being affected. If Miles is Chang/Candle/Hallifax's son, then he was born on the island too. Is that why his nose started to bleed (and I started to shout "Oh no! Oh no!" I ♥ Miles)? But then Juliet's nose started to bleed too (yay!)
too. What's the link here for nosebleeds? Do they really just need constants?

- Locke and Sawyer decide that the best way to help our bleeding friends is to return to the Orchid station. Locke wants to attempt to correct the Oceanic Six leaving. I don't know how he's planning to do this, but he does tell Sawyer, "I'll die if I have to." Eek... You will John. As they trek across the island to get on a boat to sail to the Orchid, they come across a light in the jungle -- a light and a pounding noise. It's Locke at the end of season one beating on the hatch. Locke knows when they are and tells them to keep moving. It makes me wonder what would happen if the current Losties ran into their old selves.... So the gang keeps moving and they hear a woman screaming in the jungle. Before Sawyer ever gets to them, I knew it was Clarie giving birth to Aaron. Awww.... poor Sawyer. His face when he saw Kate... He wanted to go to her so badly. He almost made me cry. I love my boyfriend, even though he loves Kate. I love that we get to see the Losties re-visit moments that we've seen too.

* Jack tells Sayid that he was passed out for over 42 hours. So how much of Ben's 70 hours has elapsed?
* How does Locke know that the Oceanic Six are still alive and didn't die when the freighter blew up?
* What happened to the castaways who were staying on the beach? Who showed up on those boats from Ajira Airways? Was it Jack and company?
* Who the hell was shooting at the Losties in the boat?
* How does Ben know what's happened on the island? Is he going back? Is he keeping in touch with Richard and the Others?

I loved this episode and I'm so excited for more. Next week looks so good. Will Sun believe Ben that Jin is alive? Will the Six, plus Ben and John start their trip back to the island. A week is too long to wait!!

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